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Nhím Hoàng Kim
02-28-2011, 10:42 PM
Nepali women set out on eco-ascent of world’s tallest peaks – vegan style - 8 Jul 2010
As the first successful all-woman team to summit Mount Everest, the nine accomplished Nepali mountaineers are now going on to climb the tallest peaks on each of the world’s seven continents. Their mission, called the Everest Women Seven Summits Eco-Action, seeks to not only set a world record as the largest team to do so, but is also striving to raise awareness about the urgent issue of climate change.
Receiving their national flag from the country’s Right Honorable President Dr. Ram Baran Yadav before departing from Nepal, the team members officially embarked on Monday, July 5 as they began climbing Mount Kosciuszko in Australia.
Team coordinator Shailee Basnet, who was the first female journalist ever to summit Mount Everest, reflected on signs of the planet’s perilous state that had come to their attention in previous expeditions.
Shailee Basnet – Team coordinator, Mount Everest summiteer, vegan during expedition (F): We saw and heard from experienced climbers about the changes that were evident in the Himalayas. And in our later trips also in different parts of the country, we kept hearing about how monsoons were not the same anymore,
how the crops were being affected by unpredictable weather, and how new pests and insects were showing up in higher altitudes. So, all this really motivated us to take the message of climate action with us.
VOICE: On this trip, the nine Nepali climbers are also striving to offset their carbon emissions by using solar lanterns and planting trees. Most of all, they have become aware that meat consumption has the largest human impact on climate change, and all nine have thus pledged to be vegan for the duration of the physically demanding tour. A vegan chef is accompanying them to prepare their plant-based meals.
Shailee Basnet (F): So we need to act now, both at individual levels, things that we can change in our lifestyle, and also at the level of government.
VOICE: Heaven bless the courageous Nepali summiteers for your dedication to these ambitious
physical and consciousness-raising goals. Wishing your journey success in bringing awareness about
global warming as well as the effective vegan solution, which ensures both personal endurance
and a cool planet for all.
Nhím Hoàng Kim
02-28-2011, 10:46 PM
Agricultural pollution ruins nature and harms health - 14 Jul 2010
The US state of Ohio is home to some beautiful inland lakes that attract millions of visitors every year. However, agricultural pollution runoff from fertilizers and manure is affecting both the environmental balance and the recreational appeal, as toxic algae has been found growing on popular destinations like Lake Erie and the Grand Lake St. Marys.
For the second consecutive year, state officials have had to post signs warning people and pets alike to avoid the visible surface algae that can cause gastrointestinal problems and skin irritation.
As a result, Grand Lake St. Marys in the western part of the state saw 50,000 fewer visitors this past year alone. A task force appointed by Ohio’s Environmental Protection Agency determined that manure from livestock as well as agricultural applications of commercial fertilizers were the main source of pollutants that were catalyzing the algal growth.
These same substances are similarly affecting other countries. China’s state news agency recently reported that a gigantic floating mass of green algae covering some 200 square kilometers was headed towards Shandong province, posing a potential threat to wildlife and the region's tourism industry.
As in the United States, China’s State Oceanic Administration cites agricultural runoff as one of the major causes of pollution responsible for the algae.
Meanwhile, in Guatemala in 2009, the natural splendor of the breathtaking Lake Atitlan was struck by a deadly algal bloom that experts said was the result of pollution and climate change, which halved the number of visitors and devastated businesses.
In response, Guatemala’s government is taking measures including helping 80% of the farmers in the lake's watershed to convert to organic farming over the next three years.
Our sincere thanks to regional and national governments for responding to the environmental crisis as well as to farmers who are embracing the life-sustaining organic methods.
We look forward with hope to the restoration of the beauty and vibrancy of lakes and oceans as human adapt the organic, vegan lifestyle that eliminates such harmful pollution.
During an October 2009 videoconference in Germany, Supreme Master Ching Hai cautioned of animal agriculture’s role in these unnatural algae problems, urging for a comprehensive solution for the environment.
Supreme Master Ching Hai: Along with the waste are chemical fertilizers runoff used on crops fed to animals which have been documented by scientists to cause dead zones as well as toxic algae outbreak, those green moss that grow in the water.
One such event just occurred in Brittany, France, where a majority of the country’s livestock and a third of the dairy farms are located.
On the Brittany coast, this waste and chemical runoff coming into the sea causes outbreaks of toxic algae, which emit the lethal, deadly gas hydrogen sulfide.
So, recently in news we heard of a horse that died within half a minute of stepping into the algae and now the health concerns of over 300 people are being investigated for the same reason around that area.
Making all of this worse is the fact that animal waste is largely unregulated - meaning that there is nothing to stop these events of contamination that can cause illnesses or even death for massive numbers of animals and people.
So, to return ourselves and our world to a purer state, we have to stop the killing of innocent animals. Stop it now. Stop it now and turn to the merciful way of life. The natural way of life that God intended us to live, which is the vegan diet. This will restore the conscience of every person who adopts such a lifestyle as well as the planet itself.
Nhím Hoàng Kim
02-28-2011, 10:49 PM
Experts urge more crop farming and plant-based lifestyle to end Mongolian desertification - 29 Jul 2010
As more studies reveal findings of an increase in climate extremes in Mongolia, scientists are particularly concerned about the rapid spread of desertification caused by global warming and land degradation due to overgrazing.
Presidential advisor on environmental policy, Mr. Zorigt. E, spoke recently revealed some of the most recent and alarming data about the impact of climate change across the country.
Zorigt. E – Ecology and environmental policy advisor to the President of Mongolia (M): Twenty percent of all rivers have gone, according to the last count. Many other rivers and lakes are close to disappearing.
Seventy-five percent of all territory has been affected by desertification. The northern part of the desertified area includes the capital city. Such an actual process already has become reality. Now we have to wake up and pay attention to it.
VOICE: In Mongolia, 82% of the total land area is designated as permanent pasture for livestock grazing, which the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization has reported is the largest single threat to biodiversity loss in Mongolia and throughout Central Asia.
Mr. Zorigt and other Mongolian experts such as Professor Mijidorj. R, executive director of Mongolia’s Center for Ecology and Sustainable Development, are urging for immediate changes in lifestyle and suggest crop farming as the solution.
Dr. Mijidorj. R – Professor, University of Science and Technology; Executive Director of the Center for Ecology and Sustainable Development (M): We must make changes in our policy for the livestock industry and crop farming. As far as crop farming is concerned, we should start with the nutritious
and meat-replacing crops as much as possible.
Our researchers have documented that this is the main solution and suggest a reduction in meat consumption. Global warming could happen more intensely and quicker than we think,so we don’t have the right to waste time.
VOICE: Our appreciation Professor Mijidorj and Presidential Advisor Mr. Zorigt for your urgent calls for changes to stop desertification and climate change.
With wholehearted agreement, may nations everywhere protect themselves from harmful environmental impacts by switching to organic vegan agriculture and fare.
In January 2009, during a videoconference with dignitaries and the public in Mongolia, Supreme Master Ching Hai expressed her concern once again for humanity as she spoke of the cruelty-free practices that would best halt the adverse effects of global warming.
Supreme Master Ching Hai: Even the Gobi desert, which covers the Mongolian landscape, is a fragile ecosystem that is easily destroyed by overgrazing. This results in the desert land turning into stony wasteland, where not even camels can survive.
So, in order to neutralize the effects of global warming, such as these land changes resulting from the evermore severe climate, we must stop the raising of livestock to kill for food. We must live a vegan, animal-free, cruelty-free lifestyle according to scientific evidence that this is the best way for us to stop the global warming, and the fastest, most efficient and most long-lasting.
If more and more people choose organic farming as well, we help each other to the best possible of our ability and most gentle way for all beings and the Earth.
Nhím Hoàng Kim
02-28-2011, 10:59 PM
UK leaders and co-citizens speak out on factory farms - 26 Sep 2010
A proposed “super dairy” farm of 1,000 cows in Wales, United Kingdom recently prompted concerns regarding animal welfare, additional noise, and odor from local residents as well as from the organization Compassion in World Farming.
Despite general public disfavor of industrial-scale animal farms, as well as their associated environmental impacts, it was estimated by environmental group Friends of the Earth that in 2009, £700 million contributed by British taxpayers went toward subsidizing factory farms of cows, pigs, or chickens in England.
Deputy Leader Mr. Adrian Ramsay of England and Wales’ Green Party expressed his concerns, saying that factory farming must end, for the benefit of human health and animal welfare as well as to address climate change.
Adrian Ramsay – Deputy Leader, Green Party in England and Wales (M): It’s clear that many of the public health scares we’ve had on issues like BSE, avian flu, swine flu, have resulted from factory farming, from intensive horrific conditions in which animals have been reared both in the UK and elsewhere in the world.
Moving away from factory farming would really help us to tackle climate change, and there’s a number of reasons for that.
One of them is the deforestation that’s happening in so many parts of the world, which is affecting indigenous communities and wildlife, but it’s certainly increasing climate change as well.
And one of the main reasons for deforestation is clearing land for intensive rearing of animals or for growing food to feed to those animals, when we know that crop production is a far more efficient way of feeding people.
Of course the emissions from intensive farming, including methane emissions, are very substantial and have a real effect on the changes in the environment that we’re seeing.
VOICE: Referring to the Green Party’s own legislative efforts to address this problem, Mr. Ramsay called for governmental support of local farmers’ markets and environmentally friendly farming practices.
Adrian Ramsay – Deputy Leader, Green Party in England and Wales (M): We want to promote organic farming. We want to make it easier for farmers to go organic and to grow things more locally, and on a small scale, wildlife-friendly way that preserves biodiversity, and we think that the subsidies that go to farmers should be focused around achieving these objectives, making it easier for farmers to do the green thing.
VOICE: Our appreciation Deputy Leader Ramsay, Green Party members and all other concerned advocates for your encouragement of sustainable food production. May leaders everywhere end the destructive and cruel animal industry by offering support for organic vegan farming practices.In an interview published in the September 2009 edition of the British Parliament's The House Magazine, Supreme Master Ching Hai spoke of the optimal outcome for our Earth through plant-based food policies.
Supreme Master Ching Hai:The government can support organic vegan farming through subsidies. They can also redirect the funds away from the meat industries and instead toward encouraging citizens to plant, to buy and to choose organic vegan food. And when they do, we will soon have a lot of healthy, happy, productive people, a restored green environment, and minimum climate mitigation costs – something all governments can look forward to and gain the enthusiastic support of all citizens.
If humans switch to the vegan diet, the Earth will begin cooling immediately and many of these dilemmas can even be reversed. So please, be veg and do good, to save the planet and all the beings on it, including you and me.
Nhím Hoàng Kim
02-28-2011, 11:02 PM
Sea otter fatalities linked to global warming via algal blooms - 29 Sep 2010
Following the death of at least 21 threatened sea otters in Monterey area of California, USA, a study led by the California state government found that each tested positive for microcystin, a toxic substance that found in certain blue-green algae.
This is the first time that freshwater microcystin was linked to the death of marine mammals. Microcystin is naturally present in algae found on the surface of freshwater bodies such as the nearby Klamath River, whose waters pour into the sea.
However, increased temperature along with the presence of substances such as nitrogen and phosphorus from livestock and agricultural runoff causes exponential growth to occur, and the algae forms dense mats known as “algal blooms.”
With the continually rising temperatures associated with global warming, scientists have noted that the algae has been growing more and more aggressively, with the microcystin toxin is being increasingly viewed as a global health concern.
Animals and humans have already been known to perish from ingesting microcystin-containing algae. With sea otter populations on the decline,along with countless other marine animals found perished in recent years, the scientists plan more studies to determine the role of the toxic algae in their diminishing numbers.
California scientists, we are grateful for your efforts to shed light on this dangerous and growing threat to our marine co-inhabitants. May we act now to curb global warming and agricultural runoff to restore the waterways that are vital for all life.
Addressing these dangerous algal blooms during an October 2009 videoconference in Germany, Supreme Master Ching Hai warned of the major role that the livestock industry plays in setting off such unnatural occurrences while highlighting the most effective solution.
Supreme Master Ching Hai: Along with the waste are chemical fertilizers runoff used on crops fed to animals which have been documented by scientists to cause dead zones in the ocean as well as toxic algae outbreak, those green moss that grow in the water.
One such event just occurred in Brittany, France, where a majority of the country’s livestock and a third of the dairy farms are located. On the Brittany coast, this waste and chemical runoff coming into the sea causes outbreaks of toxic algae, which emit the lethal, deadly gas hydrogen sulfide.
So, recently in news we heard of a horse that died within half a minute of stepping into the algae and now the health concerns of over 300 people are being investigated for the same reason around that area.
But even though our predicament is very grave, we do still have time if we act now. And the solution is still very simple. It’s the vegan diet – no animal products.
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