View Full Version : KỸ THUẬT XANH
Nhím Hoàng Kim
05-15-2009, 04:46 PM
Các giải pháp năng lượng mặt trời thành công (
Nhím Hoàng Kim
05-16-2009, 09:54 PM
Những phát triển năng lực xanh : mặt trời , gió , thủy triều (
Nhím Hoàng Kim
05-19-2009, 02:27 PM
Xe trên đà sinh thái : Xe không khí , sQuba , CETO (
Nhím Hoàng Kim
05-20-2009, 03:31 PM
Truyền thông trong thời Hoàng Kim (
Nhím Hoàng Kim
05-23-2009, 12:04 PM
Kỹ thuật xanh cho bạn (
Nhím Hoàng Kim
05-26-2009, 06:28 PM
Các món quà xanh và kỹ thuật cho cha (
Nhím Hoàng Kim
05-27-2009, 07:35 PM
Chương trình Kỹ thuật Sạch California : Giải đặc sắc về kỹ thuật sạch - Phần 1&2 (
Nhím Hoàng Kim
05-29-2009, 09:04 PM
Đỏ , trắng , và xanh : Kỹ thuật xanh ở Hoa Kỳ (
Nhím Hoàng Kim
05-30-2009, 03:47 PM
Không khí thải : Xe xanh trong Thời Hoàng Kim (
Nhím Hoàng Kim
05-31-2009, 08:56 PM
Vệ tinh ESA : Giúp chúng ta hiểu Mẹ Địa Cầu (
Nhím Hoàng Kim
06-01-2009, 04:25 PM
Máy lọc nước cát sinh học : Phương pháp đơn giản nhất (
Nhím Hoàng Kim
03-24-2010, 09:05 PM
Tindo the Solar Bus (
Nhím Hoàng Kim
03-24-2010, 09:10 PM
Cleaner and Greener - Electrolyzed Water (
Nhím Hoàng Kim
03-24-2010, 09:12 PM
Oxyhydrogen (HHO) Gas : A Do-It-Yourself Introduction (
Nhím Hoàng Kim
03-24-2010, 09:13 PM
Cal-Earth : Sustainable Building in Harmony with Nature (
Nhím Hoàng Kim
03-01-2011, 04:11 PM
Solar-powered irrigation betters lives in sub-Saharan Africa - 9 Jan 2010
Studying systems that were financed and installed by the US-based Solar Electric Light Fund, Stanford University scientists from California, USA worked with local women’s agricultural groups in rural Benin to compare the effectiveness of the sun-powered drip irrigation systems to previous growing methods that relied on scarce water sources such as rain.
They discovered that these systems fostered the growth of an average of 1.9 metric tons of produce per month, including fresh tomatoes, okra, peppers, eggplants, carrots and other greens. Besides being able to supply their families abundantly year-round, the women villagers were also able to earn extra income from sales.
Many thanks, Solar Electric Light Fund and Stanford University researchers for bringing both the materials and the expanded understanding of how these sustainable methods improve lives.
May many such sub-Saharan African communities be similarly bestowed for the eco-balance and wholesome sustenance of all.
Nhím Hoàng Kim
03-01-2011, 04:14 PM
Offline power plant in Florida, USA keeps water warm for manatees - 10 Jan 2010
The state’s largest power utility, Florida Power and Light, has installed a special temporary heating system as it undergoes modernization to protect manatees residing in the region’s coastal waters.
Despite the recent cold snap, temperatures for the endangered sea mammals has thus remained temperate, with some 400 manatees gathering around the outlet on Florida's Intracoastal Waterway.
Company spokesperson Sharon Bennett said, “The water that discharges into the area where the manatees gather comes out at 92 degrees Fahrenheit... It's very comfortable for them and they enjoy it." The company has been working closely for several years with environmental organizations to offer the manatees protection
in waters throughout the state.
Our accolades Florida Power and Light for your kind efforts in providing a haven for our marine friends during the colder months. Blessed be the manatees to flourish in the protected and safe waters of Florida, USA.
Nhím Hoàng Kim
03-01-2011, 04:23 PM
Eco-friendly plastic disposal discovered - 26 Feb 2010
Bioengineering Professor Mukesh Doble and research scholar Trishul Artham of India’s Institute of Technology in Chennai worked with microscopic organisms and ultraviolet light in seeking a safe way to dispose of the some 2.7 million tons of plastics manufactured each year containing the substance Biphenyl A.
The scientists found that this plastic decomposed harmlessly through a process involving pretreatment with UV light, along with heat and several types of fungi.
The fungi was able to use the plastic chemicals as a source of energy, resulting in significant decomposition within 12 months without releasing any of the potentially harmful Biphenyl A. Professor Doble and Mr. Artham, a green hats off for your exciting technological development! Wishing you the best in continuing to bring such wholesome advancement that help restore our planet for the benefit of all beings.
Nhím Hoàng Kim
03-01-2011, 04:26 PM
A safe plastic for Earth and animals - 11 Mar 2010
According to Dr. Charlotte Williams of the UK’s Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, research at Imperial College London has resulted in the transformation of simple plant sugars into polymers that can be used to make plastic.
This new material, while durable, is harvested from non-food crop plants and requires significantly less energy to manufacture. It also biodegrades in months compared to the hundreds of years required for fossil-fuel based materials.
The technology is expected to be production-ready within several years. Our eco-salute, Dr. Williams, Imperial College London researchers and Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council for this eco-friendly alternative to plastic.
May such noble work as yours continue to yield materials that help restore our harmonious balance with Mother Earth.
Nhím Hoàng Kim
03-01-2011, 04:29 PM
US company to produce ‘smart glass.’ - 24 Mar 2010
Through a combination of tax incentives and guaranteed loans, Minnesota-based Sage Electronics, Inc. has been awarded over US$100 million by the US government to produce energy-saving glass.
This innovative product, which requires only the press of a button to be switched from clear to darkly tinted and back again, could reduce the energy use of buildings by nearly a third.
Construction of the 250,000-square-foot manufacturing plant is planned for this summer and will initially employ 160 people in the green manufacturing and technology sector.
A big hats off, Sage Electronics, and many thanks US government for your support of this energy-saving innovation! We can’t wait to see more of such technologies that save energy and assist in our goal of sustainable lives.
Nhím Hoàng Kim
03-01-2011, 04:33 PM
Students awarded for reusable paper-and-ink design - 2 Apr 2010
Seventh grade students Anika Patel and Angela Riggins of Washington, USA have been named as winners from among 14,000 participants in the 2010 ExploraVision Awards, sponsored by Japan-based electronics company Toshiba. With a mutual love of scientific experiments, the two teens designed an eco-friendly printer system that conserves resources by removing ink from paper, thus facilitating reuse of both materials.
They said they were inspired by the gecko lizard, whose unique feet are specially adapted for sticking to surfaces. Thus, the printer rollers are designed to be able to reverse their electrical charge, with the ink that was sticking to the paper being released and stored for re-use.
The regional award for their futuristic concept has qualified the two youths for a national competition.
Our green hats off, Anika Patel and Angela Riggins for your ingenious development and deserved distinction! Wishing you continued inspiration and the joy of discovery in such humanity- and Earth-enhancing technologies as these.
Nhím Hoàng Kim
03-01-2011, 04:37 PM
Greece to initiate green development - 6 Apr 2010
The Greek Ministry of Environment, Energy and Climate Change has announced plans to allocate €1.5 billion, jointly funded by the public and private sectors and the European Union, toward environmental infrastructure and other green developments.
The plan also intends to create 12,000 jobs and reduce the nation’s carbon dioxide emissions. It will include such projects as the eco-upgrading of existing industrial parks, where environmentally friendly businesses can relocate.
New eco-business parks will also be created on several islands. Our appreciation, Ministry of Environment, Energy and Climate Change and Greece, for this significant initiative to mobilize the economy towards sustainable endeavors. May you meet with fruitful success for the betterment of the Greek people and the planet.
Nhím Hoàng Kim
03-01-2011, 04:41 PM
Mitsubishi debuts the electric i-MIEV - 7 Apr 2010
As Japan’s first widely marketed electric vehicle, the clean-running four-seat i-MIEV costs US$30,000 thanks to government incentives. With a top speed of 82-miles-per-hour, the bubble-shaped i-MIEV uses lithium-ion batteries that can be conveniently charged either through a regular electric socket or in just 30 minutes at a special recharging station.
The vehicle, which can cruise up to 160 kilometers on a single charge, is also being tested in the United States for a planned release in the near future. Bravo, Mitsubishi and Japan! We are excited at the emergence of such innovative transport technology and can’t wait to see more vehicles as these speeding us all toward a brighter, greener world.
Nhím Hoàng Kim
03-01-2011, 05:02 PM
California, USA, adopts new rules to save aquatic life - 9 May 2010
California coastal power plants have been instructed to reduce their impact on marine wildlife by phasing out a process known as "once-through" cooling. In its circulation of billions of gallons of ocean and estuary water every day, this process has been inadvertently destroying countless fish, larvae and eggs, as well as causing the loss of 62,000 endangered delta smelt every year.
Following a nine-hour public hearing, the Water Resources Control Board voted unanimously to adopt new regulations for the state’s 19 power plants, which are being offered alternative cooling methods such as closed-cycle cooling systems or other structural changes.
Many thanks, California state regulators for your commitment to protecting the health of aquatic habitats. May such eco-friendly processes become the norm for the flourishing of all life in California's waters, and beyond.
Nhím Hoàng Kim
03-01-2011, 05:04 PM
Scientists say carbon storing is not a viable solution - 16 May 2010
With countries like Britain, Australia and the US poised to implement carbon capture and storage processes (CCS) in an attempt to reduce global warming, a research paper from Houston University in the United States is casting doubts on the practicality of such plans.
The paper states first of all that it would require a reservoir the size of a small US state to contain the carbon dioxide produced by even one power station.
Co-authors Drs. Michael Economides, professor of chemical engineering at Houston University, and Christene Ehlig-Economides, professor of energy engineering at Texas A&M University, go on to assert that previous models of CCS are inaccurate because they assume a constant pressure from the carbon as it is stored in underground rock structures.
In fact, the pressure on surrounding rock will likely become so intense in places that it would cause fractures, with the escaping carbon eventually migrating back to the surface.
The paper concludes by stating, "(CCS) is not a practical means to provide any substantive reduction in CO2 emissions, although it has been repeatedly presented as such by others."
In response, the British Geological Survey has affirmed its intention to quickly review the findings and produce a peer-reviewed analysis.
Drs. Economides, Ehlig-Economides and all participating scientists, we are grateful for your careful evaluation of the urgent matter of handling carbon emissions. May we be guided to planet-cooling actions that bring a lasting revival of our ecosphere.
Supreme Master Ching Hai often urges for the most effective way to solve global warming, as during an international gathering with our Association members in February 2008.
Supreme Master Ching Hai : Everybody knows by now, from the UN Report that meat eating, animal raising, it’s one of the worst factors, or even the worst factor of global warming.
And nobody talks about it. Everybody says, okay, new energy, biofuel, hybrid car, dig a hole and store the carbon. As if it will not bust one day.
What is so difficult, to put down one piece of meat, and replace it with one piece of tofu. Which is exactly the same, better nutrition. Better for your health. More economized.
Nhím Hoàng Kim
03-01-2011, 05:51 PM
Electric LEAF car communicates with smartphones - 16 May 2010
Japanese auto manufacturer Nissan has developed the zero-emissions, lithium-ion battery-powered LEAF to communicate with phone devices like the iPhone and the HTC Desire, for easier access to information such as remaining battery power in the car and updates as to when it is fully recharged.
Drivers can also remotely set the desired temperature for the car’s interior upon their return. The LEAF is set to release in early 2011 with a cost of under US$30,000. Kudos Nissan LEAF, for these innovations that offer simultaneous convenience and sustainability.
We look forward to the day that such technologies become the norm as we advance in greener living across the globe.
Nhím Hoàng Kim
03-01-2011, 06:13 PM
26-hour record solar plane flight lands successfully - 10 Jul 2010
On the morning of Thursday, July 8, the HB-SIA aircraft of the Swiss Solar Impulse project returned to the same airport from which it had embarked 26 hours earlier. With its most recent flight in April lasting for 87 minutes, this journey of more than a day was achieved as the aircraft gathered solar power through its 12,000 cells during daylight hours to then continue flying through the night without any external fuel.
Calling the flight “gorgeous,” pilot Andre Borschberg stated, “It was unbelievable, success better than we expected.” Swiss entrepreneur and Solar Impulse founder Bertrand Piccard plans a zero-emission trans-Atlantic flight next, followed by a trip around the world by 2013, with the hope being to usher in an age of environmentally friendly air travel.
Nhím Hoàng Kim
03-01-2011, 06:15 PM
World’s largest economies pledge cooperation on clean energy - 23 Jul 2010
Energy ministers from the 21 nations whose combined national income comprises 80% of the global economy met this week for two days in Washington, DC, USA to find common ground in addressing energy concerns. During the conference, 11 eco-initiatives were agreed, including one to improve energy-efficiency of home appliances, with collaboration among the United States, Japan, South Korea, India and European nations. Meeting participants also agreed to share information on electric vehicle technology as well as the design of smart grids to improve management of regional power consumption.
A follow-up meeting is scheduled for early 2011 and will be hosted by the United Arab Emirates. US Energy Secretary Steven Chu, who led this year’s conference, stated, “What we've seen here is that working together, we can accomplish more, faster, than working alone.”
Our accolades, Your Excellencies and participating countries, for your shared commitment to a green future.
May your noble measures be joined by fellow citizens worldwide to preserve our Earth and all her inhabitants.
Nhím Hoàng Kim
03-01-2011, 06:18 PM
Solar-powered “boat of bottles” returns to dock in Australia - 28 Jul 2010
The sixty-foot catamaran, Plastiki, constructed from about 12,500 discarded plastic bottles and equipped with sustainable solar panels, arrived in Sydney, Australia on Monday, July 26 following a four-month voyage that began in San Francisco, USA. Expedition leader and environmentalist David de Rothschild, said the journey was motivated by a 2006 United Nations report warning of the perils of plastic in the world’s seas as it stated that every square mile of the oceans contained 46,000 pieces of floating plastic debris.
Voyaging 8,000 nautical miles, Mr. de Rothschild along with 5 other crew members endured storms and other challenges on the journey. They also witnessed first-hand the North Pacific gyre, a place where some 3.5 million tons of discarded plastic has gathered in an enormous current and clustered together in a swirling mass of waste the size of Texas, USA.
Saying that this debris now represents a real threat to marine life, World Wildlife Fund Policy Manager for Marine Species Lydia Gibson stated, “Plastic garbage, which decomposes very slowly, is often mistaken for food by marine animals.
High concentrations of plastic material, particularly plastic bags, have been found blocking the breathing passages and stomachs of many marine species, including whales, dolphins, seals, puffins and turtles.
Plastic six-pack rings for drink bottles and cans can also choke marine animals.” As one example of the unimaginably horrific effects of this marine waste, the stomach of a rare eight-meter Bryde's whale discovered perished on an Australian beach was found to be jammed with almost six square meters of plastic, including supermarket bags, food packaging, three large sheets of plastic and fragments of garbage bags.
The returned Plastiki will be on display for a month at the Australian National Maritime Museum where the crew members will hold public speaking events to raise awareness of the increasingly dire effects of plastic waste in the ocean.
Mr. de Rothschild said, “The plan is to create a global oceans exhibit that can showcase not only the issue of throw-away plastics but really about nurturing and re-evaluating our oceans... our most precious of ecosystems.”
Our admiring salute, Mr. de Rothschild and crew on the success of your eco-adventure as we also thank World Wildlife Fund for their caring efforts on behalf of marine co-inhabitants.
May more and more people become aware and motivated toward actions that consider all lives on our shared planetary home. Supreme Master Ching Hai has often spoken of the importance of our care for other beings in a larger picture of global balance, as during a July 2008 videoconference in Formosa (Taiwan).
Supreme Master Ching Hai: Indeed it’s a sad news as some companies or individuals are not responsible because they do not perceive the impact of their actions and the consequences on the environment if they are careless. So many marine species have suffered, decreased, or completely been wiped out of existence, due to such other’s and careless actions. Oil spills and all that, garbage disposal and all that is harming the environment and killing the wilds a lot.
So I suggest that stricter rules must be imposed to protect the sea, the water, which is our life, which is also our protector in terms of balancing our ecosystems and sustains our planetary equilibrium, and sustains our lives.
We’ve been warned from all sides. It is time that we take heed now and return to our natural loving self. Manifest our love outwardly by protecting, respecting all lives, in action. Meaning again: being a vegetarian, abstain from all animals products.
Nhím Hoàng Kim
03-01-2011, 06:19 PM
Toyota’s Prius tops sales for more than a year - 8 Aug 2010
July 2010 marked the 15th consecutive month that the Japanese automaker’s popular hybrid
electric vehicle was the best-selling car in the country, boosting overall hybrid sales past a million vehicles. As the world’s largest automaker, Toyota Motor Corporation was also the first to commercially produce a hybrid electric vehicle when it made the Prius available in 1997.
With Japan’s government assisting eco-conscious car buyers through tax incentives and other rebates, the popular Prius currently has a wait time of approximately six months. Toyota is also planning additional hybrids along with the development of other green transportation technologies.
Bravo, Toyota and many thanks for your eco-contributions to transportation. Wishing happy travels to the many Prius drivers as we look forward to a future of sustainably powered vehicles for all.
Nhím Hoàng Kim
03-01-2011, 06:22 PM
California sets building goals of zero net energy by 2030 - 6 Sep 2010
In the US state of California, which has been leading the nation in emissions reduction since 1967, the Public Utilities Commission has unveiled the “Zero Net Energy (ZNE) Action Plan for Buildings.”
It includes a transformation of the 5 billion square feet of existing commercial property, which currently consumes 38% of California’s energy, to become an overall net zero energy consumer through a combination of sustainable energy generation and energy-efficiency measures.
All new residential buildings will also be net zero energy consumers by 2030, and low-income families will be given the ability to participate in affordable energy efficiency programs by 2020.
Bravo California for your noble green leadership! Blessed be such exemplary efforts in motivating many others toward eco-friendly homes, businesses and lifestyles.
Nhím Hoàng Kim
03-01-2011, 06:24 PM
World’s largest offshore wind farm opens - 27 Sep 2010
On Friday, September 24, the 100-turbine Thanet Offshore Wind Farm was inaugurated in the North Sea waters near Kent county, United Kingdom. The £780million project, constructed by Swedish energy company Vattenfall, can supply electricity to over 200,000 homes per year and now contributes a total wind turbine capacity in the United Kingdom that is sufficient to power every home in Scotland.
Referring to the country’s potential to access bountiful wind and tidal power, Energy and Climate Change Secretary Chris Huhne stated at the opening ceremony, “We’re in a unique position to become a world leader in this industry. We are an island nation and I firmly believe we should be harnessing our wind, wave and tidal resources to the maximum.”
Bravo for your laudable green achievement, Secretary Huhne and Great Britain! May more and more nations across the world similarly develop such sustainable eco-solutions for a cleaner and cooler planet.
Nhím Hoàng Kim
03-01-2011, 06:29 PM
The Volt : Chevrolet’s new hybrid electric car - 13 Nov 2010
With production beginning this month, this convenient plug-in vehicle from US-based General Motors offers an extended range of about 50 miles on a full electric charge, with 300 additional miles through a back-up gasoline engine. Several reviewers of the vehicle have noted its exceptionally quiet emission-free ride, even when the engine is activated.
Expressing his own excitement about the Volt’s new technology, General Motors Vice President of US Marketing, Joel Ewanick, announced that he would be personally driving the car several thousand miles from company headquarters in Michigan to the Los Angeles Auto Show in southern California. Averaging 38 miles per gallon once it switches to gas power, the luxurious Volt features a spacious interior and is selling for around US$41,000. One of its first major customers is US-based General Electric company, which is purchasing 12,000 of the new model in accordance with its expanding electric charging station program.
Bravo, General Motors, for this green transportation innovation! May such clean and alternatively-fueled vehicles help speed our way to a more sustainable future in harmony with our planet.
Nhím Hoàng Kim
03-01-2011, 06:31 PM
Eco-friendly Austrian project uses grass for fuel - 28 Nov 2010
Sponsored by some of the nation’s large energy providers, a pilot project in the state of Lower Austria has successfully produced natural gas as a fuel source without a loss in food production.
To achieve this goal, participating farmers first harvested their primary food crops in late July or early August, then sowed the fields with grasses that served as secondary bio-fuel crops to be harvested in late October.
The biogas fuel from the crops was then refined so that it could be introduced into the existing natural gas network. The results of the pilot test have shown that Austria has the potential to sustainably provide for nearly all of her natural gas needs through this bio-fuel.
In addition to the energy benefits, the secondary planting has also been noted to benefit the soil, as the grass cover crop helps retain moisture, and its by-products can be spread on the field as an excellent natural fertilizer that retains a high proportion of total nitrogen.
Bravo, entrepreneurs and Austria for your work to introduce sustainable bio-fuels while protecting food security.
May your endeavors continue to be graced with success, yielding abundant energy supplies in harmony with nature for all.
Nhím Hoàng Kim
05-29-2011, 08:02 PM
Future e-car for urban mobility unveiled - 15 Jan 2011
Imagine a vehicle capable of navigating without a driver, which can be driven individually or joined with other vehicles in a train for more efficient travel. It can also avoid obstacles, park itself and will automatically return to the owner when summoned from a smartphone application!
This is the new concept car EN-V, or Electric Networked Vehicle by US-based auto manufacturer General Motors in partnership with green transportation company Segway, Inc. The EN-V debuted at the recent Consumers Electronics Show in Nevada, USA following a six-month exhibit at the Shanghai World Expo in China.
Designed for urban short-commuting distances, the two-wheeled, two-seater EN-V measures 1.5 meters by 1.5 meters, and contains lithium-ion batteries that can be recharged with conventional outlets.
Estimated to be production ready within a decade at a cost of US$10,000, the eco-friendly vehicle can easily share a parking space with four or five other EN-Vs. Speaking of the niche envisioned for the car, General Motors' Director of Advanced Technology Vehicle Concepts, Chris Borroni-Bird stated, “Building more and wider roads is expensive and doesn't really solve all of the problems, meaning that smarter solutions are needed.
Public transportation is important, but with so many people going from point to point in different directions, some personal transport is needed as well.” What an exciting glimpse into future transportation design!
Bravo General Motors and Segway, Inc. for bringing together streamlined function with concern for the environment. May the EN-V inspire many more toward such innovative vehicles that are smart, efficient and green!
Nhím Hoàng Kim
05-29-2011, 09:04 PM
Black carbon reductions cool the environment - 19 Jan 2011
Regulations designed to improve public health and reduce smog by reducing air pollution from trucks burning diesel fuel in the US state of California have been found to have an additional side benefit.
Over the past two decades, these measures also resulted in a 50% reduction in black carbon, a potent climate change agent generated from diesel fuel combustion and agricultural or other biomass burning. As a result, organizations like the Arctic Council and the Climate Institute have been focusing on the further reduction of this substance to bring about more rapid planetary cooling.
Scientists and policy makers in the past have been concerned that reducing black carbon would also diminish other aerosols, whose presence has actually been attributed to a cooling effect. However, in this California study, Dr. Veerabhadran Ramanathan of Scripps Institution of Oceanography calculated that the reduction of black carbon resulted in a significant cooling effects for both the region's heat and water supplies.
Moreover, according to World Preservation Foundation Senior Scientist Gerard Wedderburn-Bisshop, one of the leading sources of black carbon is the deforestation that occurs to clear agricultural land, 70% of which is used for livestock raising.
California Resource Board, Dr. Ramanathan and Dr. Bisshop, many thanks for helping us understand the role of black carbon in climate change. May we each act to reduce this and other potent greenhouse gas sources for their Earth balancing benefit to all lives.
Speaking during an October 2009 videoconference in Indonesia, Supreme Master Ching Hai addressed the changes needed to most effectively reduce planet-warming substances such as black carbon.
Supreme Master Ching Hai : Now, methane and black carbon are what scientists call short-lived gases, meaning, although they are very potent climate warmers, they dissipate and exit the atmosphere very quickly.
The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization said that the livestock industry is the major cause of the most pressing world problems, namely, global warming, land degradation, air and water pollution, and loss of biodiversity.
With no animal breeding industries, we immediately stop the number one cause of greenhouse gas emissions. Not just CO2, not just carbon dioxide, but also methane, nitrous oxide, black carbon from burning down the trees for the livestock, and also toxic gases like hydrogen sulfide.
If the world's people all become vegans, we will see a dramatic change in a short period of time, a couple of months, yes.
These changes would be just the beginning signs of a real Eden on Earth.,
Nhím Hoàng Kim
05-29-2011, 09:08 PM
Material developed to replace fossil fuel - 30 Jan 2011
Cella Energy, based in the United Kingdom, has developed a hydrogen-based liquid fuel which, according to early tests, can cleanly power regular internal combustion engines in existing vehicles with the only significant end product being water vapor.
The synthetic fuel, created at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory over a four-year period by Professor Stephen Bennington and his team of scientists from University College London and Oxford University, is based on technology that enables the safe and lasting storage of hydrogen in liquid form.
The new fuel not only has a similar efficiency to current fossil-based fuels, but it will be available at a lower price and can be used as an additive to regular petrol to reduce carbon emission levels. Cella Energy hopes for the fuel to be available as soon as in three years.
Way to go, Cella Energy, Professor Bennington and your team of scientists! Wishing your innovative clean-energy endeavors much success to benefit both travelers and the environment.
As during a July 2008 videoconference in the United States, Supreme Master Ching Hai has often spoken about the vast potential of beneficial technological developments awaiting humankind through a mindful change in lifestyle.
Supreme Master Ching Hai : The technology that we are having right now is nothing, nothing compared to what we will have if all the population of the planet turn to a loving, kind, compassionate vegetarian diet. Then you will see all kinds of inventions that we have never imagined before, will surface. And all people will live in peace and love; even if they don't pray for it, it will come. just-90p-GALLON-run-existing-cars.html
Nhím Hoàng Kim
05-29-2011, 09:13 PM
Rolls-Royce introduces electric car - 3 Mar 2011
Unveiled by the prominent British automaker at the Geneva Motor Show on Tuesday, March 1, the new 102EX Phantom is the company's first ever electric car and the world's first electric battery vehicle for the ultra-luxury market.
The 102EX Phantom, also called the Phantom Experimental Electric, is currently being tested as an alternative to the original Phantom model's 6.75-liter V12 engine. The new green Phantom contains a 71-kilowatt- hour lithium-ion battery, the largest of its kind in the world, along with twin 145-kilowatt motors that together extend travel to a range of about 125 miles on one charge.
With a top speed of 100 miles-per-hour, the electric Phantom can also accelerate from a stopped position to 60 miles-per-hour in less than eight seconds. Unique touches on the interior and exterior distinguish the ultra- luxurious electric vehicle from its original petrol-run counterpart, including subtle blue lighting for the Spirit of Ecstasy mascot.
Bravo, Rolls-Royce, for advancing the luxury automobile market with this forward thinking green concept. We look forward to the day that such eco-friendly versions of the classic Phantom and other vehicles are enjoyed on motorways across the globe.
Nhím Hoàng Kim
05-29-2011, 09:15 PM
Two Indian villages totally transition to solar energy - 8 Apr 2011
With funding from Karnataka Vikas Grameena Bank (KVGB), solar panels have been installed for all of the approximately 150 households in the Devagiri and Lalagatti Villages of Dharwad District.
KVGB plans to enable 80 villages with solar power, 18 of which have already been completed. Kudos, Karnataka Vikas Grameena Bank and Syndicate, for helping to light up India the Earth-loving way.
May we see more such eco endeavors throughout the world, combined with the low-emissions vegan diet, for a long-lasting and calm planet.
Nhím Hoàng Kim
05-29-2011, 09:17 PM
United States researchers invent a process to recover scrap rubber - 12 Apr 2011
A team led by Dr. Avraam Isayev, Professor of Polymer Engineering at University of Akron, Ohio has developed a technique called 『ultrasonic devulcanization.』 It allows for no longer used rubber to be reprocessed, which was virtually impossible to do before.
This significant discovery was the recipient of 2011 Advanced Materials Innovation Award by NorTech, a USA non-profit technology centered development organization.
Congratulations, Dr. Avraam Isayev and colleagues, on your green invention and award.
May more such Earth-loving creations benefit all beings on our shared planet.
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