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View Full Version : Nevada man gets 20 years for shaking baby

08-30-2010, 04:25 PM
The Associated Press
RENO, Nev. —
A man who prosecutors say shook his infant daughter so hard that she suffered massive brain injuries because her cries interrupted his video game has been sentenced to 20 years in prison.

During a sentencing hearing Wednesday, Chief Deputy District Attorney Dan Greco said Gerardo Espinosa condemned the girl to a life of misery, unable to see or hear and with limited mobility.

District Judge Patrick Flanagan said he would have sentenced the 19-year-old illegal immigrant to life in prison if the law allowed.

A jury last month convicted Espinosa of child abuse causing substantial bodily harm. His daughter was 11 weeks old when she was injured.

He told investigators the injuries were from an accidental fall.

Source: The Seattle Times (http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/nationworld/2012722410_apusshakenbaby.html?prmid=obinsite)