View Full Version : Inventions that Failed

10-15-2010, 11:50 PM
It's no surprise that some of these inventions haven't become a part of everyday life. In fact, some are down right stupid if not dangerous.

Curved Barrel Machine Gun, 1953
Ideal if you are a coward, wanting to shoot comrades and foes without looking.


Anti-Bandit Bag, 1963
Stop any thief in his track and fire the contents of your bag at him. That way, you can ****** off your bandit, get a beating and give him all your stuff!!


Baby Cage, 1937
Rather than take your Baby outside, just suspend it above a busy street. Perfect for those of you without gardens!


Phone-Answering Robot, 1964
The robot that can pick up your phone for you, but cannot speak. Excellent!


Baby Holder, 1937
Everybody knows how much babies love ice-skating. This sassy number allows both parents to skate without holding their precious children. No danger here!


Dog Restrainer, 1940
Hopefully the dog you are attempting to restrain has its back turned to you and is in a sitting pose.


Cigarette Holder Built For Two, 1955
Got a spare Cigarette? No? Oh thats okay, i have my Cigarette Holder here. That way we can both share yours.


Finally, for those of you prone to falling asleep while in transit!