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View Full Version : T-Mobile to launch free WiFi calling plan

05-11-2011, 07:16 PM
If you own a phone that's serviced by T-Mobile that also has WiFi features, you will soon be a very happy person. DSLReports.com has revealed that the wireless phone carrier is about to launch a new plan that will allow T-Mobile phone users to make unlimited phone calls via WiFi connections without using any minutes from their current phone plan. In other words, the WiFi based phone calls will be free for those customers with WiFi equipped phones.

The plan was apparently supposed to launch today but for some reason the launch plans have been delayed with no word on when they will begin (although it should happen "soon" according to leaked documents from the company). However once the plan is put in place T-Mobile customers that have Even More, Even More Plus, and 4G Do More calling plans with the compatible phones will be alerted to the new feature via text message.

However, those customers might want to enjoy the new service, once it launches, for as long as they can. T-Mobile is currently planned to be acquired by AT&T for a whopping $38 billion. As DSLReports points out in a new editorial, AT&T has tons of problems with keeping its customers happy with dropped calls and low broadband caps for its two Internet services. It also mentions tha if this merger is approved by the federal government (and there's no indications at this point that it won't) there will almost certainly be massive layoffs from both AT&T and T-Mobile's team members.
