141. Swine Flu Update
Dutch doctors raise health objections to hog farm proposal - 28 Sep 2009
Four village doctors in Limburg, The Netherlands, wrote a letter to the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment, citing their concern for the health of local residents as they called for a halt to the planned construction of a pig and chicken factory farming facility.
Their concerns were confirmed in research conducted by Dr. Ellen Silbergeld, a professor of environmental health at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health in the US.
Professor Silbergeld measured the effect of driving in a car behind a truck transporting factory farm chickens, and found increasing levels of pathogenic bacteria, some of which were antibiotic resistant, on the surfaces and in the air inside the cars traveling behind the trucks.
With a total tally that is too high to count, swine flu infections continue to spread unabated. China alone now has around 16,000 confirmed cases.
In Europe, 606 new cases were reported in a 24-hour period, most of which were diagnosed in the United Kingdom, Germany, and Sweden. Germany also reported her first death.
The United States estimates fatalities of more than 600 and over 9,000 hospitalizations. Thirteen new losses brought India’s steadily rising death toll to 298. Yemen is also reporting a steep rise in swine flu, with total cases reaching 199, and Egypt has seen a total of 922 cases thus far.
Hospitalizations for severe cases reached nearly 300 in Formosa (Taiwan), while the most recent count of global swine flu fatalities is 4,216.
It saddens us to see this relentless trend afflicting more people each day.
We send our support, Dutch doctors for standing up to protect your community from the multiple health risks associated with animal farms and our thanks for Dr. Silbergeld’s revealing research.
Our prayers for the rapid elimination of such disease breeding grounds through a global adoption of wholesome plant-based fare.
trackback : http://www.suprememastertv.com/bbs/tb.php/sos_au/1123
142. Swine Flu Update
Alarming swine flu rates worldwide - 29 Sep 2009
Cases have continued to spread to immeasurably high numbers globally, along with fatalities.
As of September 28, there have been 4,282 lives lost, with Hong Kong now recording her 21st fatal case. Deaths in India steadily rose to 302, as Oman reported three more perished for a total of 21.
In Nicaragua, swine flu afflicted total 2,000, while in Macau an increase of 470 cases brought a total of 26,548. Meanwhile, the Israel Medical Association’s Intensive Care Society has called for more funds to help hospitals cope with the high numbers of swine flu cases.
Professor Charles Sprung of Hadassah University, Israel said, “Already, we see people dying due to the shortage of intensive-care beds. In the event of a serious flu outbreak, there will be hundreds and even thousands of patients who will need such beds and won't get them due to the lack of such facilities.”
He added that up to 2,200 swine flu patients, or more than half of last year, may need respirators at any given time this winter.
We sorrow for the people who are very ill at this time or have suffered the loss of a loved one. Let us all halt the consumption of animal products, which harm our health and heighten risks of new diseases, choosing instead to boost our immune systems with nutrient-rich plant-based fare.
trackback : http://www.suprememastertv.com/bbs/tb.php/sos_au/1125
143. Swine Flu Update
International attempts to contain the still-spreading swine flu – 30 Sep 2009
Following the quarantine of one school last week, a group of students from a secondary school in Moscow, Russia have been asked to stay home after one of the parents was diagnosed with swine flu. In Jordan, the government prepared for the annual return of 1.6 million students by disinfecting regional schools and the region’s water tank, in addition to creating awareness programs to prevent the disease’s spread. In Lebanon, the Health Ministry is distributing instructions on cough etiquette, which includes sneezing into one’s elbow or a tissue rather than into a hand, and frequent hand washing to prevent spread of the disease.
Across the globe, total swine flu fatalities have reached 4,292among what experts say are now millions of infections, although most have never been recorded. Cambodia has suffered her first swine flu fatality, as Âu Lạc’s (Vietnam) cases increased by 206 to reach 8,419, and India’s death toll passed 300. In Europe, of the countries reporting hospitalizations, Italy has had the highest number of patients with 704 admissions, followed by France, Ireland, and the Netherlands.
We thank world health officials and others for your efforts to minimize the risks of this pervasive infection as our condolences go to the families of the people who have succumbed to swine flu. We pray all will wake up to the importance of a plant-based lifestyle as a most effective shield from serious and widely contagious illnesses as these.
http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/20...t_12120831.htm http://www.fdlreporter.com/article/2...89&located=rss I
http://www.itar-tass.com/eng/level2....5975&PageNum=0 http://www.france24.com/en/20090928-...300-mark-india
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144. Swine Flu Update
Swine flu vaccine : hope or added danger ? – 1 Oct 2009
Amidst concerns of a second wave of infections this winter, the European Commission has approved two new variations of the swine flu vaccine for distribution.
In the United States, a recent survey showed that while 58 percent of citizens believe swine flu is a serious threat to their health, only 31 percent planned to be vaccinated, citing fears of safety and effectiveness. Moreover,health care workers in the US state of New York have protested a regulation that would require them to receive the swine flu vaccine, expressing their concern that the vaccine has not been fully tested.
In China, where hundreds of thousands of people have been inoculated, there are at least 14 cases of adverse effects thus far.Officially counted cases worldwide since pandemic’s outbreak six months ago range in the hundreds of thousands, yet are known to bea gross underestimate of the true total. Israel, Hong Kong, Formosa (Taiwan), and Saudi Arabia are just a few of the governments that have recorded new human lossesto this deadly illness. With cases now from coast to coast and new deaths virtually each day, India has lost 309 lives. In all, world fatalities reached 4,292 in some 180 countries. In Europe, almost90 percent of the 548 cases counted within 72 hours came from Ireland and Germany.
We sympathize with world citizens who are suffering from swine flu or have lost loved ones. May all seek refugein the health protecting organic vegan diet, as we envision a future world freed of such widespread disease.
trackback : http://www.suprememastertv.com/bbs/tb.php/sos_au/1128
145. Swine Flu Update
Swine flu fatalities and afflictions continue rising worldwide - 2 Oct 2009
Currently circulating swine flu strains have claimed 51 more lives in the past 24 hours, or a total death toll of 4,385Thailand reported five new deaths, bringing the total to 165, and Bulgaria and Barbados each reported a first fatality. New Zealand authorities reported 77 new hospitalizations in the past one week, as a 67-year-old woman without any of the typically associated health complications became the country’s 18th to perish.
Meanwhile, Wales, United Kingdom has detected the start of a second wave of the pandemic as cases steeply rose to 1,002 as of Tuesday night in a 50 percent jump from the prior week. Indeed, throughout Europe nearly 350 new swine flu cases were reported within a 24-hour period, with 210 being in the UK, followed by 60 new cases in Italy.
We send our condolences to the loved ones of those who have lost someone to the swine flu, and we pray for this tragic pandemic to end. Through the adoption of a compassionate, vegan diet, may we eliminate the risk of further dangerous viruses in both humans and animals.
146. Swine Flu Update
Public concern mounting over swine flu vaccine - 5 Oct 2009
Media organizations in the United States, including the San Francisco Chronicle newspaper and TV channel WFAA in Dallas-Ft. Worth, Texas, have raised once more a concern regarding the swine flu vaccination program, considering some harmful effects that were associated with the 1976 swine flu vaccine.
Public opinion polls in the US and elsewhere have shown significant reservations regarding the risks of the untested vaccine. With effectiveness levels known to be weaker in children, who are also proving to be vulnerable to serious illness with the swine flu, the University of Southampton in the United Kingdom has begun a study on 1,000 young persons to monitor any adverse side effects of two vaccines ahead of their national release.
Meanwhile, in at least 190 countries and territories, over 4,432 people have perished due to the swine flu pandemic. Some of the most recent deaths were recorded in Âu Lạc (Vietnam), Bahrain, and India, the latter of which has been reporting officially over 5 fatalities on a daily basis. India’s death toll climbed to 344, with fatalities in Argentina now numbering 540. In the United States, 936 people have lost their lives to the swine flu, while the human cost in Brazil is at least 899 deaths.
The relentless rise in losses to the swine flu is staggering, and makes our need for a lasting solution all the more urgent.For the sake of ourselves and loved ones, let us all consider the healthy approach to such costly viral epidemics, namely the strongly preventive measureof the organic vegan diet.
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147. Swine Flu Update
Developing nations face “explosive” swine flu threat - 6 Oct 2009
Stating that swine flu could cause runaway outbreaks in developing countries, United Nations officials have called for assistance from developed countries. UN senior influenza coordinator David Nabarro cautioned that despite current attempts to get help from vaccine manufacturers and wealthier nations, only a small percentage of people in developing countries are set to receive vaccinations, or less than half the global population.
Mr. Nabarro urged able countries to donate funds for improved health infrastructures as ways to slow the expected rise in swine flu cases. Some of the most recent swine flu updates include Israel now reporting her 30th fatality, and the US Army confirming its first death as a 23-year-old soldier training in South Carolina passed away from the swine flu. Ireland’s Department of Health announced that two more women passed away in the past week, as 7 new fatalities in India brought the swine flu toll there to 351.
United States officials have noted 6 times as many expectant mothers who have been hospitalized or perished due to swine flu than the general population. The European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control is reporting a global total of 4,494 fatal cases, while no longer attempting to tally all the afflicted people across the world because of infections spreading too rapidly to count.
Our condolences to the loved ones of those tragically lost and our prayers for the end of this zoonotic, animal-originated virus. We look forward to the protection of a meat-free loving world that minimizes the risk of such disease and also safeguards planetary health.
http://www.npr.org/templates/story/s...ryId=113446539 http://jta.org/news/article/2009/10/...wine-flu-death
http://www.wesh.com/health/21182335/detail.html, http://www.google.com/hostednews/ap/...QovVgD9B2EOGG1
http://www.wsaz.com/home/headlines/63458407.html http://www.whas11.com/medical/storie...1e56e14fb.html http://www.irishtimes.com/newspaper/...255679073.html http://sify.com/news/fullstory.php?a..._s_toll_to_340
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148. Swine Flu Update
Meat industry poses E. coli and swine flu hazards - 10 Oct 2009
In an article titled “E. Coli Path Shows Flaws in Beef Inspection,” New York Times investigative reporter Michael Moss traced the path that the intestinal parasite E. coli took to turn 22-year-old Stephanie Smith’s life upside down. In 2007, she had eaten a cooked beef burger, but ended up in a nine-week induced coma from E. coli poisoning until her seizures stopped. When she woke up, she had kidney damage, brain damage, and was paralyzed below the waist.
The consumed hamburger included meat products from four facilities, including old dairy cows and bulls too old for feedlot fattening in Texas, trimmings from grass-fed cattle in Uruguay, the fatty edges from whole meat cuts in Nebraska, and ammonia-treated products from the Midwestern US.
Supreme Master Television discussed the case with Susan Levin, a Registered Dietitian and the Director of Nutrition Education at the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine in the US.
(Phone interview in English)
Susan Levin, R.D., M.S – Director of Nutrition Education, Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (F): There are tens of thousands of people who are contaminated with E. coli every year. It’s like looking at a family tree and trying to go back up the branches, and seeing how far and wide these parts and pieces are spread, not only, literally around the globe but just in terms of parts of an animal that you’re eating and then getting it into, from a slaughterhouse to a grinding facilities, and then to your plate. And all the places and the times where you could possibly be at risk for consuming something like E. coli.
VOICE: Like E. coli, the swine flu virus also has its origins in the utterly filthy and beyond inhumane practices of modern animal farming, and continues to leave mourning families in its wake across the globe, including most recently in Iran, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, the United Kingdom, and Hungary. Germany reported her first swine flu fatality in a woman in her 30s. Global confirmed deaths stand at 4,579, while total cases are too many to count. As cases jumped to more than 9,700 in Âu Lạc (Vietnam) recently, Japan detected her eighth recorded case of a Tamiflu-resistant mutant strain of the swine flu virus.
We join in pained sorrow for those losing a loved one forever due to the pandemic. Our appreciation goes to Ms. Levin for her shared expertise on the serious E. coli issue, and to journalist Mr. Moss for raising awareness on this food-borne disease. May we all awaken to the urgent necessity to put down the meat and pick up the produce, ending this and future tragedies for the protection of lives.
http://www.nytimes.com/2009/10/04/health/04meat.html http://www.nytimes.com/2009/10/08/health/08meat.html
http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/20...t_12193584.htm http://www.earthtimes.org/articles/s...gn-starts.html http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/s...st/8296719.stm
http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/n...nd/8297561.stm http://english.farsnews.com/newstext.php?nn=8807151703 http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/e...re/8294917.stm http://www.spa.gov.sa/English/details.php?id=706831 http://www.kuna.net.kw/NewsAgenciesP...86&Language=en
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149. Swine Flu Update
Meat preparation leaves kitchen with deadly pathogens - 11 Oct 2009
As some 8,000 people in the United States fell ill from 16 E. coli outbreaks over a three-year period, industry officials were prompted to recommend consumers ensure that hamburgers are cooked to 165 degrees Fahrenheit to eliminate the danger of potentially deadly E. coli bacteria.
To evaluate the effectiveness of this approach, New York Times investigative journalist Michael Moss and investigations editor Christine Kay conducted an experiment using meat infected with a non-deadly form of E. coli.
Susan Levin, a registered dietitian and director of nutritional education at the US-based Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine explained the New York Times video documenting their investigation, called “Hamburger Confidential: Chasing E. coli in the Kitchen.”
(Phone interview in English)
Susan Levin, RD, MS – Director of Nutrition Education, Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, USA (F): They wanted to see if they followed the instructions written on the meat for food safety practices, if they would be in the clear. So they made burgers, in a real kitchen And I would just like to mention that you’d have to pretty much have a thermometer to see if you cooked the meat to the right temperature. You can’t do it by sight, because browning doesn’t necessarily mean that the E. coli is dead.
VOICE: While the experimenters did manage to cook the meat to the recommended temperature, investigative swabbing of kitchen objects before and after cooking showed that bacterial traces remained in many areas despite efforts to keep them clean.
Susan Levin, RD, MS (F): There were traces of E. coli left in the kitchen, on the cutting board that they’ve washed per the instruction, but the E. coli was still there. Their hand towel that they used to dry their hands didn’t have E. coli, but it had other bacteria and other pathogens common in meat.
VOICE: Meanwhile, the swine flu, another disease fraught with the hazards of meat production, continues to wreak havoc across the globe. Countless infections inevitably go untested and unreported, leaving the total number of cases unknown. The European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control announced a tally of 4,579global deaths, with new losses reported in India, Formosa (Taiwan), and South Korea.
In the US, 19 children have died of swine flu over the past few days, bringing the number of youths perished to 76, among more than 600 total national fatalities. With sadness for the afflicted, we pray for the day when people no longer need to mourn the loss of their children or other loved ones lost due to such terrible pathogens.
Our earnest appreciation, New York Times’ Mr. Moss and Ms. Kay, for demonstrating how the devastating harms of meat are so easily spread, despite guidelines to prevent them. We envision a world where all foods are plant-based and free of harm for our children’s safety.
http://english.cna.com.tw/ReadNews/D...NHH&pTypeSel=0 http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/20...t_12202177.htm http://www.google.com/hostednews/ap/...Sou_wD9B7IN300
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150. Swine Flu Update
At least one-third of otherwise healthy swine flu patients fall critically ill - 13 Oct 2009
A three-month study of people stricken with swine flu during the recent flu season in Australia and New Zealand echoed previous findings that fully a third of the patients admitted to hospital with severe cases were younger people with few medical conditions. The study also found that the most at-risk groups were expecting mothers, the obese, and people of indigenous ethnicity. The research also reported that long stays in the intensive care unit had stretched the finances of hospitals.
Dr. Kent Holtorf, an infectious disease specialist in the United States stated in an interview on the US-based Fox News television channel, “I have more concern about the vaccine than I do about the swine flu. It’s been rushed to market.” He also said that the vaccine is “a proven neurotoxin,” with 25,000 times the level of mercury than would be considered toxic if it was a food or water.
In the US, health officials have reported that rising swine flu cases have caused the pandemic to now become widespread in 37 of 50 states, compared to 27 states the preceding week. In Cuba’s first report of swine flu fatalities, three pregnant women passed away.
South Korea also announced that a two-month-old infant and a 64-year-old man became their latest fatalities. Countries reporting their death tolls show a combined total of more than 4,579 lost to the disease worldwide. The total number of swine flu cases is deemed too high to keep track.
We sorrow for those afflicted or grieving because of this pandemic. Our appreciation Australia and New Zealand researchers, Dr. Holtorf and others for sharing your knowledge about swine flu treatment efforts. While we wish that such information would help other countries in making wise decisions about the swine flu virus, it is our ultimate prayer that such pandemics vanish altogether. May we follow this very path by adopting the humane and harm-free vegan diet.
http://www.nzherald.co.nz/health/new...ectid=10602217 http://www.examiner.com/x-21818-Virg...cine-too-risky
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151. Swine Flu Update
Further health risks of meat consumption revealed - 15 Oct 2009
Premier American television broadcaster Larry King hosted a panel of experts for a show entitled “Beef: Safe or Scary.” Inviting nutritionists and beef industry representatives, he interviewed them as well as the mothers and a grandmother of several children who had died of E. coli 0157: H7, a potentially lethal bacteria found in the intestines of animals. With one expert pointing out the fact that during the slaughtering process, E. coli bacteria could easily spill from a nicked area inside the animal, or spread from fecal matter on the cow’s hide, the discussion made it clear that meat consumption can be devastating to human health.
As researchers have found, it takes just a few cells of E. coli contaminant to cause deadly results. Similarly, it takes just one pig on a typically filthy farm to produce a deadly strain of influenza – such as the swine flu virus.
The current pandemic has claimed at least 4,703 lives around the world since April 2009. Among the new deaths reported virtually every day, South Korea reported her 15th swine flu fatality, and Hong Kong her 30th. Israeli deaths reached 32 as Jordan announced a first loss of life.
A new Canadian study has found that one in six people admitted to the intensive care unit (ICU) for swine flu have perished, with 76 percent of them being women. Dr. Anand Kumar, intensive care specialist at the Winnipeg Health Sciences Center, stated, “One interesting observation is just how ill these people get. I've never seen people so ill in ICU.” Iceland has also reported a higher number of hospitalized patients requiring ICU treatment. Chief Epidemiologist at Iceland’s Directorate of Health Haraldur noted that swine flu cases had grown to 3,000, but stated that the actual total number of cases may be as high as 30,000 to 60,000.
We are saddened by the relentless growth in swine flu losses, and pray for the end to come soon. Our deep sympathy expands to all families and victims of the range of diseases related to eating or producing meat. We thank the Larry King Live program for raising the issue of the health dangers of meat, and pray that such discussions prompt more people worldwide to choose the reassurance of the organic vegan way of life.
http://www.nytimes.com/2009/10/04/health/04meat.html http://www.cnn.com/2009/HEALTH/10/13...eat.infection/
http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/20...t_12222710.htm http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/20...t_12222378.htm http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/20...t_12219851.htm http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/20...t_12221851.htm http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/20...t_12222156.htm http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/20...t_12224856.htm http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/20...t_12221904.htm
http://www.thespec.com/News/CanadaWorld/article/652402 http://www.icelandreview.com/iceland..._0_a_id=349579
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152. Swine Flu Update
US pig industry braces for swine flu infection in livestock - 17 Oct 2009
With pig herds in Canada, Argentina, Australia, and Ireland all having reported the presence of swine flu, US pig industry experts believe it is just a matter of time before farmed pigs in the US are infected with the virus. In the already-established cases, it is believed to have passed from an infected person to a pig, then spread throughout the pig herd.
One major fear of epidemiologists and virologists is that once a pig in a factory farm contracts the flu, the over-crowded indoor conditions and extremely toxic filth will cause the flu to spread rapidly and possibly mutate into an even more virulent form that can be passed back to humans.
Robert Martin, who directed a 2008 study by the Pew Commission on Industrial Farm Animal Production in the US indicated that pigs are very susceptible to further mutation, stating, “The concern is that there are so many animals that the virus can go through several generations of mutation in a very quick period of time.”
The current form of the virus continues to wreak havoc by taking human lives across the globe, with numbers that rose by 71 in two days to a global toll of 4,774. Fatalities across Britain reached 106, as cases in Scotland rose by 80 percent within just one week. India’s death toll surpassed 400, while other countries with recent fatalities include France, Belgium, Iran, Mexico, Canada, the Bahamas, Colombia, Venezuela, Formosa (Taiwan), and Thailand. Cases rose past 10,100 in Au Lac (Vietnam).
Two new US studies indicate that swine flu can inflict unusual damage to the lungs such as blood clots, calling for closer attention to these potentially lethal signs in severe cases. The swine flu has been called by the World Health Organization (WHO) the fastest spreading pandemic among humans in history, with so many cases that the agency has stopped attempting to keep tally.
We meanwhile pray for the recovery of the afflicted, and for the comfort of those who have lost loved ones. Our appreciation, Mr. Martin and the Pew Commission for these alerts of the potential dangers of the foul and inhumane conditions of pig farms in producing a deadlier virus. May we end that fearful possibility through the life-affirming adoption of plant-based foods.
http://www.thaindian.com/newsportal/...100261301.html http://www.google.com/hostednews/afp...MO4k3Pu-k_vsRw http://www.latimes.com/news/la-me-sw...,5493315.story
http://www.reuters.com/article/healt...59E5D220091015 http://www.spa.gov.sa/English/details.php?id=709433 http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/20...t_12237353.htm http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/wales/8308225.stm http://www.themedguru.com/20091015/n...-86129715.html http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/20...t_12238290.htm
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153. Swine Flu Update
Swine flu’s most vulnerable victim groups identified - 19 Oct 2009
The World Health Organization (WHO) has identified the groups most at risk of contracting swine flu as being those with chronic lung disease, children under two years of age, and expecting mothers. Health officials have also concluded that obesity and morbid obesity are present in a large number of severe and fatal swine flu cases.
The swine flu virus continues to take lives at a rapid pace, with the global toll of fatalities reported to have reached 4,774 according to the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control. Countries with increased deaths include the United States, South Korea, the United Kingdom, Iran, Cuba, Trinidad and Tobago, China, Spain and Hungary.
In most countries, swine flu’s prevalence is too widespread to quantify. Dr. Ann Schuchat, Director of the US National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases noted that whereas recent regular flu seasons saw no more than 88 deaths of children, 86 from swine flu have already been reported even though the flu season has only begun.
The World Health Organization has called upon countries in the northern hemisphere to prepare for a challenging fight against swine flu, noting that it overwhelmed southern hemisphere hospitals during their flu season. It saddens us to know that world citizens are suffering or living in fear of the ongoing pandemic.
We pray for the day when fellow humans, including children, will be spared from
such tragic diseases, through the adoption of the immunity-enhancing organic vegan diet.
http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/20...t_12252907.htm http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/20...t_12253883.htm
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http://www.newsok.com/cuba-confirms-..._latin-america http://www.thenews.com.pk/updates.asp?id=89295
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154. Swine Flu Update
More pig herds discovered with pandemic swine flu - 21 Oct 2009
US Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack announced that four pigs tested for swine flu in Minnesota state, USA were indeed infected, even though they appeared healthy. Meanwhile, the Norwegian Ministry of Agriculture also confirmed that eight additional pig herds have been discovered sick in the country.
The US is thus the ninth country with infected pigs identified. Experts have noted that the flu spreads from humans to pigs more easily than previously believed. The threat remains of the virus mutating within pigs, especially those crowded together on farms, which could then be passed back to humans in a mutated, more fast-spreading and deadlier form.
Demonstrating the particular vulnerability of youngsters, schools in Howard County, Maryland, USA have reported more flu absences, reaching as high as 10 percent of the student population 27 times so far this school season, with kindergartens absent by up to 21 percent one day last week. Meanwhile, countries reporting new fatalities include India, France, Iran, Cambodia and Âu Lạc (Vietnam). Globally, 4,825 lives have been lost, with total cases too numerous to count.
With sorrow for the suffering patients and their families, we share the world’s concern to see the emergence of swine flu in more pig populations worldwide and pray that it does not spread further. May we soon see a worldwide closure of animal farms along with adoption of the organic vegan diet for the life-supporting benefit of all.
http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/20...t_12268874.htm http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/20...t_12270318.htm http://www.france24.com/en/node/4904336 http://www.reuters.com/article/healt...59F54620091016
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Swine flu found in Canadian turkeys - 23 Oct 2009
Turkeys in Ontario, Canada have now become the second flock known to have contracted the A (H1N1) swine flu virus, following an outbreak in August at two poultry farms in Chile. Meanwhile, pigs in Osaka, Japan became the latest reported to havecontracted swine flu, after pig herd infections were identified in the United States, the United Kingdom, Norway, Ireland, Argentina, Canada and Australia.
The great concern among experts is infection in another species such as bird could cause the swine flu virus to mutate and swap genetic material with other viruses, before jumping back into humans in a potentially more deadly and virulent form. Bird flu’s known fatality rate of 50 percent could also become the trait of a newly mutated swine flu virus.
The current swine flu pandemic is still claiming lives at a relentless rate, with the global death toll now reaching 5,335. Among the countries reporting losses were Iceland with her first fatality, along with Serbia, Scotland, United Kingdom, New Zealand, and India whose 7 new deaths brought the nation’s total to 427. Swine flu infections also continue to spread very rapidly. Official tallies by governments are no longer accurate, making any attempt to define a global total also unrealistic.
We sympathize with the loved ones of those who have perished to the silent tragedy of swine flu. May we all awaken to the life-sustaining importance of the plant-based diet, to safeguard the future of humans and animals alike.
http://afludiary.blogspot.com/2009/1...d-turkeys.html, http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?p...d=aVFyGLKvnTLw
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Swine flu fatalities exceed 1,000 in the US - 25 Oct 2009
The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has stated that swine flu levels are matching peak seasonal flu levels several months early, with widespread cases in 46 of 50 states.
Swine flu fatalities have also exceeded 1,000, with more than 400 recorded just in the past two months. Nearly 100 of these losses are children. Also with an unusually high death toll is Brazil, with 1,368 recorded fatalities. Worldwide, there have been 5,382 confirmed and reported deaths due to the swine flu. Countries reporting recent rises in human losses include Saudi Arabia, the Czech Republic, the United Kingdom, and Âu Lạc (Vietnam).
In addition, increasing waves of infection are expected across the continents. The first wave alone spread so fast that official global counts ceased months ago. Meanwhile, in Mexico, hospitals in the capital of Mexico City are approaching saturation levels as spread of infection accelerates.
Health Secretary Jose Angel Cordova announced that the arrival of Typhoon Rick contributed to the increasing numbers that are affecting five northern states. Many northeastern and southern states are also witnessing a rapid escalation.The rapid escalation raises concern that the country’s health care facilities won’t be able to handle the number of people falling ill, as facilities in Mexico City that specialize in acute respiratory disorders are reported to be near capacity.
We send our prayers for all the flu-stricken, that they may be treated and soon recover.
We also pray for the families who have lost loved ones, and for better, compassionate lifestyles to ensure the prevention of future pandemics.
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Town surrounded by pig farms gripped by superbug MRSA - 27 Oct 2009
A few years ago, Thomas Anderson, MD, a country doctor in Camden, Indiana, began seeing a large number of people with Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), a flesh-eating antibiotic resistant bacteria. Dr. Anderson himself and three of four of his children also became victims of the MRSA epidemic. His wife and teacher, Mrs. Cindi Anderson, described the incurable MRSA in a telephone interview with Supreme Master Television.
(Phone interview in English)
Cindi Anderson – Wife of late physician who treated MRSA epidemic (F): Some people will get, like my daughter, a rash all over her leg. Then another, then it will usually come to head in several different spots, and they will have a boil, a huge very painful boil and the skin will get red and swollen maybe up to six inches across. Sometimes the boils are so deep that there’s actually a hole there for a while. It’s very, very painful, and people are miserable when they have it, and even though the boil may go away, once you have it, it will come back.
VOICE: Dr. Anderson suspected the prevalence of MRSA may be related to the pig farms in and around his county, including many industrial pig farms. Such factory farms have been identified by many health experts as breeding grounds for antibiotic resistant bugs like MRSA, due to their regular abuse of antibiotics as a feed additive promoting weight gain.
Sadly, Dr. Anderson, who was known to make space in his own home for patients who could not afford a hospital, passed away before he continued his investigation of the pig farm implication. If he had lived, he might have read about the studies conducted in Denmark, the Netherlands and the US which have found high infection rates of a newly identified MRSA strain, both in pigs and nearby humans such as pig farmers. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), MRSA kills more people in the US each year than AIDS.
Cindi Anderson (F): There have been so many cases. I am not sure I had one student out of sixty that hasn’t had MRSA or knows of somebody that had confirmed that had MRSA.
VOICE: Tragically, industrial scale pig farms are the source not only of antibiotic-resistant bacteria, but also of new influenza viruses, such as the currently prevalent swine flu. New flu deaths in Hong Kong and Turkey were most recently added to the official global tally which now stands at 5,850 fatalities. In the US, deaths have exceeded 1,004, with President Barack Obama declaring swine flu a national emergency to help facilitate patient care. Hospitals across the country will be allowed to transfer people to alternative facilities such as schools and nursing homes if they become overwhelmed with a massive influx of patients. Worldwide, swine flu is believed to have infected tens if not hundreds of millions, and is spreading far too fast to record most cases.
We thank Mrs. Anderson for sharing her town’s experience, and send our sympathies to her family as one of so many who have lost loved ones due to such livestock-related illnesses. May we soon come to terms with the far-reaching public health risks of animal agriculture and shift our societies to the holistic, plant-based diet.
http://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg...&GRid=31810870 http://scienceblogs.com/notrocketsci...ig_farmers.php http://abcnews.go.com/Health/SwineFl...ory?id=8913231
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Concerns over flu shots risks continue to mount - 29 Oct 2009
Ten days after receiving the seasonal flu shot, Desiree Jennings noticed flu-like symptoms, then loss of consciousness and violent convulsions. Mrs. Jennings was later diagnosed with the rare, incurable neurological disorder called dystonia, which can be brought on by circumstances that include a reaction to medication. Still afflicted with seizures along with extremely restricted movements and speech, Mrs. Jennings states that her doctors are convinced her condition is linked to the flu shot.
The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has affirmed the vaccine’s potential for rare but serious side effects. As swine flu inoculation programs have begun in many countries, the public has shown fear of side effects caused by the vaccine, which is cultured primarily in eggs, for which some 12 million chickens are inhumanely bred and raised in the United States alone.
According to US polls, less than 50 percent of respondents said they planned to receive the swine flu vaccine, with nearly one-third expressing concern about the flu shot’s risks. A survey in China found that 54 percent of the people are not interested in getting the flu shot due to similar concerns about its safety. And 52 percent of Canadian respondents have similarly indicated that they do not plan to get a swine flu vaccine. Swine flu continues its steady claiming of human lives, with the official global toll now rising to 5938. Some of the newest fatalities have been recorded in Israel, Syria, China, Hong Kong, India, Kuwait, Mongolia, Âu Lạc (Vietnam) and South Korea.
In addition, Finland and Lebanon each confirmed a first swine flu death, and Russia announced her first four confirmed deaths. Following the recent first swine flu fatality in Turkey, the health ministry called for Turks to avoid kissing or handshakes for the next five months, while Iraq’s education and health ministries closed 2,500 schools amidst widespread public panic. Since April, millions have probably been affected by the pandemic, although actual tallies have been impossible to maintain.
We send our prayers to Mrs. Jennings and her family, and for the countless victims of the swine flu and grieving families. May we quickly find the safest refuge in the vegan way of living, which not only is immune-boosting, but could prevent the formation of the next influenza viruses.
http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/20...t_12338522.htm http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/20...t_12336008.htm http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/20...t_12337662.htm
http://www.alertnet.org/thenews/newsdesk/LR44272.htm http://www.kuna.net.kw/NewsAgenciesP...=en&id=2034915 http://www.thaindian.com/newsportal/...100266035.html
http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/20...t_12334870.htm http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/20...t_12334862.htm http://www.bangkokpost.com/news/asia...swine-flu-shot http://www.yle.fi/uutiset/news/2009/...h_1110950.html
http://jta.org/news/article/2009/10/...e-of-swine-flu http://www.champress.net/index.php?q...cle/view/46719
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159. Swine Flu Update
Khuẩn cúm heo gây lây nhiễm chết nguời hơn. - 31 tháng 10, 2009
Một toán nghiên cứu ở Ấn Độ phát hiện rằng mặc dù số tử vong cúm heo trước kia chủ yếu phát sinh từ sự lây nhiễm khuẩn không quan trọng của phổi, những cái chết từ cuối tháng 8 là do lây nhiễm khuẩn độc hại hơn trong đó một chất đạm được đặt vào trên lớp màng của phổi, ngăn chận mọi dưỡng khí đi vào thân thể. Điều này có thể cho thấy rằng khuẩn cúm heo đã biến thái.
Trong khi đó, các khoa học gia ở Na Uy cũng đang điều tra một loại khuẩn cúm heo có thể đã biến thái, khi tỷ lệ tử vong ở Na Uy nhiều hơn gấp 6 lần so với các quốc gia ở Scandinavia. Số ca cúm heo trên toàn cầu quá cao để kiểm tính hầu hết từ khi tình trạng đại dịch được ban hành.
Số tử vong vẫn đuợc trình báo chính thức bởi một số chính phủ hiện đang nằm ở tổng số 6.051. Số tử vong gần đây đã lên đến 465 ở Ấn Độ và 328 ở Mễ Tây Cơ, và các quốc gia khác có nguời mất mạng vì cúm heo gần đây bao gồm Qatar, Jordan, A Phú Hãn, Iran, Bảo Gia Lợi và Colombia. Ở Anh quốc, số ca lên đến 56% chỉ trong một tuần, với trẻ em dưới 14 tuổi dễ bị nguy hiểm nhất.
Là một trong những nơi lưu hành nhất cho sự lan truyền của cúm heo, số trường học đóng cửa trên khắp quốc gia lên đến hàng trăm ở Hoa Kỳ, cũng như ở Áo, Phần Lan, Mông Cổ, Nga và các quốc gia khác. Bệnh viện Quốc gia ở Na Uy bắt buộc phải dời các cuộc giải phẫu cho trẻ em và bệnh nhân có bệnh tim do thiếu nhân viên bởi vì cúm heo, trong khi các đơn vị chăm sóc thâm canh ở các bệnh viện khác cũng thiếu hụt nhân viên.
Cầu nguyện cho bệnh truyền nhiễm từ thú vật sang người bắt nguồn từ hoạt động tai hại và tàn nhẫn của ngành chăn nuôi để làm thịt này chấm dứt nhanh chóng. Xin tri ân các khoa học gia Ấn Độ cho nghiên cứu của quý vị về một hiểu biết rõ ràng hơn đối với các thay đổi của khuẩn cúm heo. Mong mạng sống được cứu khỏi các đại dịch như thế bởi sự thức tỉnh của chúng ta đối với lối sống nhân đạo không ăn thịt.
Tham khảo:
http://www.kuna.net.kw/NewsAgenciesP...71&Language=en http://www.kuna.net.kw/NewsAgenciesP...84&Language=en
http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/20...t_12352541.htm http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/20...t_12357416.htm http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/20...t_12354782.htm http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/20...t_12357125.htm http://www.nzherald.co.nz/world/news...ectid=10606104 http://www.norwaypost.no/content/view/22698/26/
http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/20...t_12354515.htm http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/20...t_12355272.htm http://www.npr.org/templates/story/s...ryId=113335028 http://www.kuna.net.kw/NewsAgenciesP...98&Language=en
http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/20...t_12343944.htm http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/20...t_12350203.htm http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/20...t_12349137.htm http://english.vietnamnet.vn/Health/...-cases-875838/
http://news.xinhuanet.com/world/2009...t_12331046.htm http://en.trend.az/regions/met/turkey/1567752.html http://www.panorama.am/en/health/200...baykal-region/ http://www.emportal.rs/en/news/region/102656.html
http://www.novinite.com/view_news.php?id=109357 http://www.sofiaecho.com/2009/10/28/...e-flu-outbreak
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Thực phẩm từ thực vật có thể ngăn ngừa cúm bằng cách bảo tồn sức khỏe của phổi. - 2 tháng 11, 2009
Mặc dù nhiều ca cúm heo tương đối nhẹ đối với một số người, chứng bệnh này nghiêm trọng và gây chết người. Các nhà nghiên cứu phát hiện rằng điển hình những người mất mạng vì cúm là đã đối diện các biến chứng hô hấp và khó hấp thụ dưỡng khí. Theo các khoa học gia ở Alabama, Hoa Kỳ, khuẩn cúm gây tổn hại cho phổi qua một bộ phận chất đạm M2 của chúng ngăn chận việc loại bỏ chất lỏng ra khỏi phổi, dẫn đến việc phát sinh tình trạng viêm phổi.
Tuy nhiên, khi các nhà nghiên cứu chích chất đạm M2 vào các tế bào phổi con người cùng với một chất được biết là loại bỏ chất oxít hóa, chất đạm M2 không còn làm hại phổi nữa. Tác giả nghiên cứu chung Sadis Matalon nói, “Dịch cúm H1N1 bùng phát vừa qua và việc truyền nhiễm nhanh chóng của dòng khuẩn này khắp thế giới nhấn mạnh việc cần hiểu biết rõ hơn về cách khuẩn này gây hại đến phổi để tìm ra cách điều trị mới.
Hơn nữa, nghiên cứu của chúng tôi cho thấy rằng các chất chống oxít hóa có thể chứng tỏ hữu ích cho việc điều trị bệnh cúm.” Chất chống oxít hóa được tìm thấy trong thực phẩm từ thực vật và được biết là giúp chống bệnh. Các nhà nghiên cứu tại Đại học Tufts ở Boston, Massachusetts, Hoa Kỳ nói rằng đậu đỏ, đậu pinto và đậu đen là một số trong các thực phẩm giàu chất chống oxít hóa, kế tiếp là nhiều rau cải như tim atisô, khoai lang, rau dền và cà tím. Phát hiện mới này có thể đem hy vọng tới dân Hoa Kỳ giữa tình trạng thiếu hụt thuốc chủng trong quốc gia.
Trong các phát hiện phụ, các nhà nghiên cứu Hoa Kỳ đã khám phá các ca đầu tiên của dòng khuẩn cúm heo chống thuốc Tamiflu đầu tiên nhảy từ người sang người, có thể khiến cho thuốc chống khuẩn ít hiệu quả hơn, khi một nghiên cứu khác phát hiện rằng một số trẻ em tiếp tục nhiễm khuẩn trong trọn 2 tuần sau khi triệu chứng bị phát hiện lần đầu tiên.
Số tử vong cúm heo tiếp tục gia tăng khắp toàn cầu, khi số tử vong được xác nhận trên toàn cầu đã tăng lên hơn 6.051. Các quốc gia với con số được báo cáo cao nhất là Ba Tây với 1.368 tử vong, tiếp theo sau là Hoa Kỳ với 1.004 và Á Căn Đình với 585 tử vong do cúm heo. Trung tâm Kiểm soát và Phòng Bệnh Hoa Kỳ gần đây đã tường trình là từ khi trận đại dịch bắt đầu, 114 trẻ em đã thiệt mạng với 19 trong những cái chết này mới chỉ xảy ra trong tuần qua.
Từ Trung Quốc đến Pháp, các chương trình chủng ngừa cúm heo đã bắt đầu trong các quốc gia khắp thế giới, nhưng việc lây nhiễm vẫn lan truyền nhiều hơn để có thể chính thức kiểm tính. Chúng tôi đau xót cho con số tăng trưởng của các gia đình và quốc gia đang bị nạn và sợ hãi đại dịch thảm khốc này. Xin tri ân các nhà nghiên cứu đã phát hiện về khả năng bảo vệ từ các chất chống oxít hóa và cầu cho thêm nhiều người đổi sang lối dinh dưỡng thực vật lành mạnh cho sự bảo vệ, cùng với sự loại bỏ các nơi sinh sản vi khuẩn như các trại chăn nuôi.
Tham khảo:
http://www.webmd.com/diet/features/a...bles-and-beans http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases...1029125538.htm
http://www.latimes.com/features/heal...,7651765.story http://www.dw-world.de/popups/popup_...842380,00.html
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