Vật liệu :
16 oz nước dừa = 2 lọ = 2 cup ( loại đông lạnh có cùi dừa ở trong đó )
1 Ly cơm rượu = 4 muỗng canh nước cơm rượu ( lúc mua về không làm liền , để ngoài 3 - 4 ngày )
4 oz đường = 1 chén
4 oz nước = 2 chén
1/2 muỗng cà phê muối
14 oz gạo tẻ = 7 chén ( rice flours )
4 muỗng canh bột năng
2 gói bột nổi hiệu alpha
Cách làm
Lấy 16 oz = 2 cups nước dừa bỏ vào nồi
Bánh Bò Nướng (Vietnamese Honey Comb Cake)
-200ml thick coconut milk/cream (200ml = 1/2 can)
-1 cup sugar
-6 eggs
-2 cups tapioca starch
-2 1/2 tsp baking powder (single acting, NEVER use double acting)
-pandan leaves or extract (optional)
What to Do:
1) Boil together coconut milk and sugar (add pandan leaves to 'syrup' if you want) until sugar dissolves, cool compleatly.
2) Mix together baking powder and tapioca.
3) Beat eggs and add syrup (1) then add to tapioca mix (3). Mix everything together until smooth.
4) bake at 350'F for about 45-50 mins, until golden.
Bánh Bò (Steamed Rice Cakes)
-1 package of rice flour (1lb)
-1 tsp sugar
-1 package of yeast (2 ½ tsp)
-2 cups water
*Dissolve yeast and sugar in water and mix with flour. Prove overnight or until the batter rises and falls.
-1 ½ - 2 cups sugar
-1 ¾ cups (400ml) coconut milk
-1 cup water
*Boil until sugar dissolves and cool to the touch (should be warm like bath water).
**Mix together A and B let rest for half an hour before steaming.
The above recipe is for the basic Vietnamese version. If you would like to make the Chinese version, replace coconut milk with water and add 1 tbs oil.