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    24. Save The Human ! "Don't Eat The Planet" Music Video

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    25. Climate benefits of changing diet : PBL study

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    Default 29. ĂN CHAY và HÂM NÓNG TOÀN CẦU

    A just-released report in the November/December issue of World Watch Magazine has concluded that livestock raising is responsible for at least 51 percent of global warming.

    Authors Dr. Robert Goodland, former lead environmental advisor to the World Bank, and World Bank research officer Jeff Anhang built upon “Livestock’s Long Shadow,” the report published in 2006 by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO).

    They calculated for areas not previously considered and updated others, including the lifecycle emissions of farmed fish production, CO2 from animal respirations , and an actual corrected tally that resulted in a more than doubling of the reported number of livestock animals on the planet.

    Livestock's methane emissions were also factored in as being 72 times more heat-trapping in the atmosphere than CO2. This represents a more accurate increase from the original FAO calculations of 23 times the warming potential.

    Even so, the researchers cautioned that the sum of their estimates was minimized, and therefore the 51 percent emissions total is still conservative. In a question and answer article on the website, the authors concluded:“It is now possible to understand that the dramatic expansion of the livestock sector in recent decades may imperil humanity, and that there may be no way to manage the climate risk of either the food industry or the world at large other than by replacing livestock products with better alternatives.”

    Our thankful appreciation, Dr. Goodland, Mr. Anhang, participating scientists and World Watch Institute, for your work showing that meat consumption is clearly the single largest contributor to greenhouse gas emissions.

    Let us ever more swiftly replace animal products with their planet-cooling veg alternatives to preserve our ecosphere and all lives. Supreme Master Ching Hai has often offered support for this most direct solution to saving humanity and the Earth, as during an interview for the July 12, 2009 edition of the Irish Sunday Independent.

    Supreme Master Ching Hai: Livestock is the single largest emitter of methane. Moreover, because of methane’s faster disappearance from the atmosphere, if we stop eating meat the planet will be able to cool immediately.

    Livestock raising and animal breeding also cause many other damages to our planet. Livestock, by far, is the single largest human-related occupier of land, the main driver of deforestation, the biggest water polluter, and top culprit of biodiversity loss.

    Supreme Master Ching Hai: Eighty percent of the Amazon’s deforested land are converted to grazing pastures for cattle. Of the remaining deforested land, the majority is used for growing soy. Eighty-five percent of the world’s soy is fed to the cattle that will be slaughtered for human consumption.

    Everything points in the same direction, that is, meat diet. see? If we stop consuming animal products, much of this lethal source is eliminated and the heat it creates will also disappear.

    Supreme Master Ching Hai: : So, with the vegan diet, we eat what’s best for our health, for the animals, for the environment, and nature will do the rest to restore the balance and save our world.


    Read "Livestock and Climate Change," World Watch Magazine [FREE PDF]

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    Lord Stern says to give up meat to save the planet - 28 Oct 2009

    In an interview featured on the front page of the United Kingdom's Tuesday, October 27 issue of The Times, Lord Nicholas Stern, a global authority on climate change, stated that people need to consider going vegetarian to overcome climate change.

    Lord Stern, who has previously served as Chief Economist of the World Bank and as advisor to the United Kingdom, published the Stern Review, an analysis of the economics of climate change.

    He is now warning that unless actions change, the future holds temperature rises of five degrees Celsius, which will cause Southern Europe to become a desert and require hundreds of millions of people to move, leading to global conflict.

    Explaining that such a crisis would come very quickly, he stated, “Meat is a wasteful use of water and creates a lot of greenhouse gases. It puts enormous pressure on the world’s resources. A vegetarian diet is better.”

    Our heartfelt thanks, Lord Stern, for your forthright call for the shift to a veg diet. We applaud your courage and honesty, and pray that climate change expert and leaders around the globe join in the planet-saving vegan diet. The benefits and planetary need for a plant-based lifestyle have been affirmed on many occasions by Supreme Master Ching Hai, as during an April 2009 videoconference in South Korea.

    Supreme Master Ching Hai: Some governments already have policies in place and are encouraging people to go green.But my only concern is that the changes are not happening quickly enough.

    We really need to stop global warming now, like yesterday, because I’m sorry to say that while all these green changes are good, there is still one action that must be on the top of the list, the most important one, which, once again, is the vegan diet.

    The greenest of all the green policy, the greenest of all the green action, the most compassionate, the most heroic, the lifesaving action, the vegan diet. It will eliminate methane, one of the most heat-trapping greenhouse gases. And this will cool the planet the fastest and give us more time to exercise our green policy
    or finding better technology.

    This is the most valuable step, the vegan step, that the governments could make, could encourage, could pass into law, could inform the people at large. This is the realistic way, the only way that I know, the only way that I see that we can save the planet right now.

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    Review of livestock and climate study by The Independent newspaper - 4 Nov 2009

    On November 1, The Independent,a leading newspaper in the United Kingdom, published an article by Consumer Affairs Correspondent Martin Hickman commenting on the new report from the US-based Worldwatch Institute.

    The Independent cited the report’s revised calculations finding that livestock is responsible for at least 51% of global greenhouse gas emissions, which is far more than the 18% previously estimated by the United Nations.

    It went on to highlight similarly held positions by public figures such as vegetarian Chairman of the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Dr. Rajendra Pachauri, who has called lower meat consumption “the most attractive opportunity.”

    The article also quoted climate and economics expert Lord Stern of Brentford, UK, who more recently affirmed meat’s heavy carbon footprint and waste of the world’s resources.

    The review concluded by sharing a statement from Justin Kerswell, campaign manager for vegetarian group Viva!, who said, “The case for reducing consumption of meat and dairy products was already imperative based on previous UN findings.

    Now it appears to have been proven that the environmental devastation from livestock production is in fact staggeringly more significant…. It is essential that attention is fully focused on the impact of livestock production by all global organizations with the power to affect policy.”

    We thank journalist Martin Hickman and The Independent for this thoughtful review of a highly relevant study, one that clearly indicates that change of diet is a priority to halt climate change. May more people and leaders be informed of such findings and act swiftly while there is still time.

    Supreme Master Ching Hai has often cited the dire consequences of meat consumption and the urgent need to halt it, as during a June 2008 videoconference with our Association members in London, England.

    Supreme Master Ching Hai : From all the scientific facts, from all the reports, we know the cars,the garbage, they are not the main cause of global warming. They are not the main polluter of the planet.

    They are not the main cause of the killer. For example, methane is like 72 times more potent than CO2. And nitrous oxide is approximately 300 times more potent than CO2. And livestock is the number one cause
    of methane.

    And byproducts, also nitrous oxide is also from livestock. Meat, eggs, dairy, responsible for 65% of worldwide human-caused nitrous oxide emissions.

    All the cost of deforestation, all the cost of transportation, all the cost of water, all the cost of medicine, all the cost of sickness, all the cost of building hospitals, training more doctors and making more medicines,
    and all the heartache of being sick and causing trouble for the loved ones by being sick. And then all the trouble or the cost of war because of hunger, because of food insecurity.

    Now vegetarianismis the only solution. It's the best, the fastest solution. I pray that people in the world wake up on time and just forsake that piece of meat, then everything will be just fine. Everything will be beautiful, nice, peaceful.


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    British Prince Philip hosts vegan interfaith banquet for a sustainable planet - 4 Nov 2009

    Together with United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, His Royal Highness Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh and husband to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, hosted a special lunch on Tuesday, November 3 at Windsor Castle.

    The occasion was part of a 3-day conference entitled, “Many Heavens, One Earth: Faith Commitments for a Living Planet,” which had gathered over 250 leaders from nine faiths to propose frameworks for future commitments to climate change action.

    In accordance with the eco-conscious event, the conference organizers opted for a vegan lunch, providing a low-impact meal while also respecting various religious dietary needs.

    With dishes that featured seasonal, regionally sourced plant-based ingredients, this was the first vegan banquet in Windsor Castle’s history. Heaven bless you, Your Royal Highness, Secretary-

    General Ban and all involved, for this noble event bringing faiths together in love of our God-gifted Earthly home.

    We pray that the conference spiritually recharges the world’s faiths and believers toward meaningful climate action that includes the ultimately eco-friendly vegan fare.


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    Default 24. ĂN CHAY và HÂM NÓNG TOÀN CẦU

    The Australian reports on trend toward less meat - 5 Nov 2009

    In a recent article in “The Australian,” the most widely read national newspaper in the country, Tasmania correspondent Matthew Denholm observed that cattle farmers are noting signs of diminished public demand for beef products.

    Mr. Denholm explained that indeed, there is a growing global public call help mitigate climate change by reducing meat consumption, and he included mention of the efforts of Supreme Master Ching Hai.

    The following is an excerpt from the article.

    “…A campaign is under way to persuade Australians to eat less meat to reduce greenhouse emissions. The Australian Vegetarian Society says the issue is as important in the climate change debate as coal-fired energy, while SBS TV viewers would have noticed ads – financed by Vietnamese-born [Supreme Master] Ching Hai -- urging the world to “Be Veg. Go Green. Save the Planet.” Such groups cannot be dismissed as fringe-dwellers,since their arguments are echoed by the UN, which says livestock produce 18 per cent of world greenhouse emissions -- more than all forms of transport combined (13 per cent).

    The head of the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Indian scientist Rajendra Pachauri – a vegetarian – is among those urging a cut in meat consumption as the quickest, easiest way to cut emissions.”

    VOICE: The article stated that the Australian cattle farmers believe that the younger generation of consumers and their concern about livestock as a cause of global warming could very negatively impact the industry.

    The story concludes with a comment shared from an Australian veg advocate.“Mark Berriman, [New South Wales] director of the Australian Vegetarian Society, believes Australians’ meat-loving culture will change as ‘reality’ sinks in. ‘Reducing meat consumption takes out the most powerful of the greenhouse gases
    but also takes them out at a much quicker rate than removing carbon dioxide,’ he says.”

    VOICE: Our appreciation goes to journalist Matthew Denholm and The Australian for informing readers about the causal link between meat consumption and climate change. To save our irreplaceable planet and precious co-inhabitants, may humanity make the veg trend a foremost priority, through which alternative economic opportunities will surely follow.

    Supreme Master Ching Hai’s original slogan, “Be Veg, Go Green, Save the Planet” indeed offers a simple but effective way to preserve our world, as explained in a May 2009 videoconference in Togo.

    Supreme Master Ching Hai: We all have a shared planet and we have shared responsibility, and we all want it to be saved for every one of us. Just like in the human body, if one area is hurt, it will affect the whole body as well.

    So, that is the key, to Be Veg and spread the message of compassion, to let people know that they can really make a difference. And we each can through the choices we make in putting food on our plate. Please try to inform your people that peace and the survival of our planet begins at home, begins on our plate.


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    Default 25. ĂN CHAY và HÂM NÓNG TOÀN CẦU

    Al Gore recommends reducing meat to address global warming - 6 Nov 2009

    In several of his interviews to promote his most recent book on climate change, “Our Choice,” environmental campaigner, former US Vice President and Nobel Prize laureate Al Gore has spoken with US broadcast journalist Diane Sawyer and Australian Leigh Sales on the role of meat reduction in halting global warming.

    When Ms. Sales asked if he agreed with British climate expert Lord Nicholas Stern’s call for people to be vegetarian to reduce emissions, Mr. Gore replied, “It’s a legitimate point of view.
    Nick Stern is a very able advocate for whom I have enormous respect… I have cut back sharply on the meat that I eat and it’s absolutely correct that the growing meat intensity of diets around the world is one of the issues connected to this global crisis. Not only because of the CO2 involved, but also because of the water consumed in the process.”

    The former vice president went on to say, “You can add in the health consequences as well. We’ve all heard from our doctors for many years that vegetables and fruits should occupy a bigger part of all of our diets, and that’s important for a lot of reasons. I’ve made those changes.”

    A green bravo, Your Excellency, for highlighting the important role of plant based foods in addressing climate change. May more people hasten in their adoption of a diet that optimizes health for people and planet.


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    British climate chief speaks up for the veg climate solution in India - 17 Nov 2009

    During an interview with Indian newspaper Financial Express, British climate economist Lord Nicholas Stern voiced his encouragement for the meat-free lifestyle as a viable climate solution, stating, “A vegetarian diet is climate friendly. It’s less carbon intensive. Though eating food is a matter of personal choice, it is desirable to help people make informed decisions.”

    While in India, Lord Stern was delivering a lecture on “Building an Equitable Agreement on Climate Change.” Lord Stern is joining several other notable leaders in voicing support for the climate benefits of a vegetarian diet. These include United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) chairman Dr. Rajendra Pachauri; United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change chief Yvo de Boer, and British former Beatles member, Sir Paul McCartney.

    Lord Stern and all other noble voices, our accolades and admiration for encouraging the public to consider food choices as an integral part of an eco-friendly lifestyle. May we all be inspired toward adoption of the plant-based diet, for our planet and our future.

    Supreme Master Ching Hai has long been a tireless advocate for the world-saving organic vegan diet, as in an interview with The House Magazine for the September 2009 edition.

    Supreme Master Ching Hai: I wish I could find another solution, but all the evidence doesn’t favor any other solution except the vegan diet, and then we can have other solutions when we have more time We have only a few years now, and we don’t know what comes yet even. Now it’s the swine flu, but what else? I don’t want to know. I don’t have any other solution Be green is just by the way. Be veg is the only, the main, the 90% solution.

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    Default 27. ĂN CHAY và HÂM NÓNG TOÀN CẦU

    Media reports on major greenhouse gas and livestock source - 26 Nov 2009

    On November 16 , a climate change conference was held in Orizaba, a city located in a fertile valley in Veracruz, Mexico. Titled “SOS – A Quick Action to Stop Global Warming,” the conference was hosted by the Veracruz state government, who specially invited Supreme Master Ching Hai as the honored guest to elaborate on practical ways to address climate change, especially relating to Mexico.

    Supreme Master Ching Hai: Livestock is the #1 source of global warming worldwide. And a primary greenhouse gas, methane, is generated by livestock. One study in Mexico found that livestock was responsible for 97% of the country’s agricultural methane! So, I repeat: The number one source of global warming is from our consumption, killing of all the cows, pigs, chickens, sheep, eggs, dairy. This, along with the killing of billions of beautiful fish for food, is what causes the most climate-related trouble for our planet.

    VOICE: The videoconference with Supreme Master Ching Hai was discussed with much interest by major Mexican media, even prior to the conference. Mexico’s second largest newspaper, “La Jornada Veracruz,” published an article titled “Alarming Levels of Pollution,” also reflecting methane’s primary role in global warming:

    “The high emission of CO2 as well as methane and their combination in the atmosphere, besides bringing about serious environmental impacts, are accelerating the process of climatic change. Even if we continue with this polluting trend, in a period of not more than 20 years the land would be facing serious climate changes,
    some of these metamorphoses are even already registered at present.”

    Supreme Master Ching Hai: So the solution is very simple. We just have to turn away from the animal products. We stop eating meat, dairy, eggs, fish. If everyone does this, we will have a transformed world in no time. It really is that easy.

    VOICE: We thank “La Jornada Veracruz” and other media, as well as the Veracruz government, for doing their part to spread this vital information. We also appreciate Supreme Master Ching Hai for her thoughts shared with the Mexican people and all world citizens. Blessed be every endeavor that leads to the swiftest, strongest actions to save our planet.

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