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  1. #61

  2. #62
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    Default 60. THIẾU THỰC PHẨM

    Climate-related hunger a mounting tragedy - 8 Jul 2009

    On Monday, humanitarian organization Oxfam released a report that detailed the devastation climate change has had on people who depend on their harvests to survive. As weather patterns become more irregular and extreme, farmers are more impoverished as their harvests fail, with hunger ever more imminent.

    Oxfam warns that without intervention, the past 50 years of work to end poverty could be reversed. Calling for commitments in the upcoming United Nations climate talks, Oxfam spokeswoman Julianne Richards said: “Without urgent action to reduce our emissions, climate-related hunger could be the defining human tragedy of this century.”

    Oxfam, we appreciate this timely reminder of the pressing issue of global warming that is affecting all aspects of human survival. Blessed be all efforts to assist those in need as we strive for meaningful changes that ensure a sustainable future for all in our world.

  3. #63
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    Default 61. THIẾU THỰC PHẨM

    Former Ghanaian president named UN Goodwill Ambassador Against Hunger - 29 July 2009

    Mr. John Kufuor, Ghana's former president was appointed to the World Food Program’s humanitarian post and will be traveling to disaster-stricken areas to assess and make recommendations. Regarding his new role, Mr. Kufuor stated, “Ensuring that every child has proper nutrition has to be the goal of every world leader. I hope to inspire them all to strive for this goal.”

    Our respectful accolades, Your Excellency, on your new position. May Heaven bless your noble mission in bettering the lives of children and adults the world over.


  4. #64
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    Default 62. THIẾU THỰC PHẨM

    US city enacts Green Food Resolution to promote eating veg - 1 Aug 2009

    The new declaration recognizes the health and environmental benefits of plant-based foods and affirms that such nourishment will be made more easily accessible to city residents.
    Proposed by Alderman Margaret Laurino and advocated by Liz Mills, Executive Director of Irving Park Carlson Ministries, Chicago’s City Council voted to approve the measure. This marks the first accomplishment in a campaign sponsored by US-based Farm Sanctuary to adopt the Green Food Resolution in cities nationwide.

    Gene Baur, president and co-founder of Farm Sanctuary said, “We applaud Alderman Laurino and the City of Chicago … By promoting access to healthy, plant-based food, Chicago has proven they are second to none in protecting the health of their citizens, the environment and the billions of animals raised for food in deplorable conditions on factory farms each year.”

    Alderman Laurino, Ms. Liz Mills and Chicago City Council, we join in lauding your auspicious leadership in providing ample access to wholesome plant-based food. Wishing all Chicagoans and residents nationwide the personal and planetary gains of a delicious vegan diet.


  5. #65
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    Default 64. THIẾU THỰC PHẨM

    Mekong Delta harvests threatened - 5 Aug 2009

    In Âu Lạc (Vietnam), summer-autumn rice and vegetables have been inundated by heavy rains, submerging thousands of hectares. In the provinces of Hậu Giang and Long An, parts of rice paddies have been destroyed and continued overcast weather is preventing the remaining rice from drying naturally, reducing its quality and price.

    Over 2,000 personnel along with 3,000 pumps are working to fortify the levee systems and clear the fields of water.

    We thank the workers for their diligent endeavors to improve the agricultural conditions of the Mekong Delta. May the people of Âu Lạc enjoy prosperous and wholesome yields as Earth’s stability is ensured through our greater consideration and care.


  6. #66
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    Default 66. THIẾU THỰC PHẨM

    US crop yields could plummet with rapid climate change - 2 Sep 2009

    Crops produced in the US could decline in yields by as much as 82% due to global warming, according to a study published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

    Dr. Michael Roberts and Dr. Wolfram Schlenker of North Carolina State University in the USA studied the critical threshold of several crops and found that warmer temperatures significantly impacted yields starting at only 29°C for corn, 30°C for soybeans and 32°C for cotton.

    Thank you Drs. Roberts, Schlenker and all researchers involved in this eye-opening study.
    Our prayers for swift and widespread measures of compassion to halt this damaging trend and ensure food security for all.

    Supreme Master Ching Hai often encourages practices of greater care and consideration to help restore the stabilityof our ecosphere, as during an October 2008 global warming videoconference in Thailand.

    Supreme Master Ching Hai: We cannot prepare much. Even if we stockpile some food and all that, it is not always helpful. It just makes the world food shortage worsen.
    So, we can only rely on the good karma that we can create. And that we can do.

    We can save ourselves right now by turning to the vegetarian diet which is benevolent, which is very compassionate,and by being compassionate to others, Heaven will be compassionate to us.
    Then you can see immediately the weather will change.

    Everything will return to a more peaceful abundance because Heaven is merciful. So if we want to have a good result, we have to start doing good. Be veg, go green,and do good deeds.


  7. #67
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    Nepal imperiled by climate change - 11 Sep 2009

    With more than 70% of Nepalese being farmers who live in rural areas, global warming is causing devas tation as harvests this year have decreased by half. Temperature extremes have also become more common, as have droughts and intense storms, when there is precipitation at all.

    In a report published ahead of a climate change summit in the capital city of Kathmandu., international aid agency Oxfam said that the Nepalese people were being pushed beyond their limits and forecast that 3.4 million would require food assistance.

    Scientists are concerned for worsening conditions if the Himalayan glaciers disappear – an event some feel could occur within just 30 years. Moreover, the impact would be felt by more than 1 billion people across Asia.

    Oxfam scientists, many thanks for this report despite our sadness at knowing the plight of the Nepalese people. May our swiftly harmonious and sustainable actions protect the Earth, restoring all of Asia to abundance and vibrancy.

    Supreme Master Ching Hai expressed concern once again about the real crisis of global warming during a June 2008 videoconference with our Association members in London, reminding of the immediate benefits of the life-affirming vegan lifestyle.

    Supreme Master Ching Hai: It's just getting worse nowadays, more obvious. You just have to tune in to any TV channels, any radio, read any newspapers, they are full of reports, almost daily, about world hunger, and the shortage of food, unaffordable food prices, unaffordable daily necessities, basic necessities.

    And unprecedented frequent disasters. And crop failures due to bad weathers. And the non-stoppable sea rising levels, high priced fuels, shortages, incurable or strange new diseases... all of these are happening now!

    Supreme Master Ching Hai: Vegetarianism is the only solution. It's the best, the fastest solution.
    Supreme Master Ching Hai: I pray that people in the world wake up on time and just forsake that piece of meat, then everything will be just fine. Everything will be beautiful, nice, peaceful.


  8. #68
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    Default 67. THIẾU THỰC PHẨM

    Drought forces thousands of farmers to cities - 15 Sep 2009

    Following two years of scarce rain and resulting crop failures,thousands of Syrian families are migrating to cities in search of alternative jobs.

    Climate change, along with human-caused desertification from grazing animals as well as the absence of irrigation, has affected 60% of the nation’s land, with over 800,000 people who have completely lost their livelihoods.

    With over 60,000 families that have migrated thus far, the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) is providing support to families in efforts to keep children in school, while the International ederation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) has provided funds for food aid to be distributed to the most vulnerable.

    We are grateful, United Nations Children’s Fund, International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies and all those working to ease the situation of the Syrians. May such tragic circumstances soon be eliminated as more people turn to kinder, higher standards.

    Concerned for our imperiled planetary stability, Supreme Master Ching Hai spoke in a July 2008 videoconference with Supreme Master Television staff, offering a clear and simple approach to bring resolution to this troubling situation.

    Supreme Master Ching Hai : We can help to better prepare for the future food crisis; it’s not future, it’s already there, but we can help to minimize it or curb it, by helping the developed nations to understand that vegetarian diet, is the cure for food shortage.

    And that we should share the resources and technology with all fellow brethren as Heaven intended us to do. Again and again, eating meat is the cause of most misery on our planet.

    People must realize that putting down that piece of meat, which is poisonous, is all they have to do to obtain peace on Earth, and to eliminate hunger for good, and to save the planet, of course.


  9. #69
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    Default 68. THIẾU THỰC PHẨM

    Small growers increasingly affected by climate change - 25 Oct 2009

    A three-year research project conducted by UK-based fair trade company, Cafédirect, evaluated the sensitivity to global warming of small-scale coffee and tea farmers in Kenya, Mexico, Nicaragua, and Peru. The study found that growers have already been moving to higher altitudes as temperatures rise across the globe. Moreover, their yields have been noted to fall, such as in Peru, where annual coffee and tea harvests have decreased by 40 percent, and Mexico which saw a 50 percent annual loss in yields next to the country’s average seven percent decrease.

    Citing some of the specific global warming effects, Cafédirect’s Chief Executive Officer Anne MacCaig said, “A huge number of growers are now experiencing increased instances of pestilence and disease from rises in temperature. They are also facing prolonged drought and changing weather patterns.”
    According to the study, 30 million small farmers could be impacted with up to a 90 percent drop in income.

    Cafédirect researchers, we appreciate your work that clearly documents the damaging consequences of climate change. Let us step quickly toward sustainable lifestyles so that all beings may once again prosper.

    Ever-concerned for humanity’s survival, Supreme Master Ching Hai addressed the warming effects faced by farmers and indeed the world during a May 2009 videoconference in Togo, while also highlighting what everyone can do to solve them.

    Supreme Master Ching Hai: There are water crises that make it difficult to plant crops, thus adding to food shortages and prices rising. Add to this, desertification and deforestation that further degrade the land.

    Increased temperatures mean erratic rainfall If you’re a farmer, you already can feel that the climate is in trouble. There are more frequent droughts, heat waves, floods, storms, frosts, freezes, and locusts than before.
    If the world becomes vegan as a group, we can remedy the disasters that affect us globally.

    Supreme Master Ching Hai: This is something all citizens of the world can do. Be vegan. Be a world-saver.


  10. #70
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    Default 69. THIẾU THỰC PHẨM

    Khí hậu thay đổi đã gây nguy hiểm cho an toàn thực phẩm - 22 tháng 11, 2009

    Trong Hội nghị Thượng đỉnh Thực phẩm Thế giới kéo dài 3 ngày của Liên Hiệp Quốc gần đây từ 17 đến 19 tháng 11, Tổ chức Lương Nông LHQ tuyên bố rằng hơn 1,2 tỷ người, hay 1 phần 6 dân số nhân loại toàn cầu, đang đói kém do xung đột trong vùng, khủng hoảng tài chánh thế giới, giá năng lượng và thực phẩm tăng cao.

    Khi nói với hội đồng, Tổng Bí thư LHQ Ban ki-Moon nhấn mạnh rằng an toàn thực phẩm lệ thuộc vào việc xoay ngược hâm nóng toàn cầu, và việc thiếu nước đã trở thành một trong các hậu quả sớm nhất và dễ thấy nhất. Cùng với Phi châu, Á châu và Châu Mỹ La Tinh, nông nghiệp được coi sẽ sụt giảm đến 40% khi nhiệt độ gia tăng trên 2 độ C, Lòng Sông Dương Tử, hỗ trợ cho 1 phần 3 tổng số dân số Trung quốc, có lẽ cũng sẽ đối diện với thời tiết khắc nghiệt hơn.

    Hơn nữa, hơn 20 triệu người Đông Phi được ước tính là đang ở trong tình trạng thiếu hụt thực phẩm nghiêm trọng sau xung đột và hạn hán. Tổng Bí thư Ban cảnh báo, “Ở nhiều nơi trên thế giới, các nguồn nước đang sụt giảm, đất nông nghiệp đang trở nên khô cạn. Chúng ta phải có những thay đổi đáng kể để cung cấp thực phẩm cho chúng ta, và quan trọng nhất là bảo vệ người nghèo và người yếu đuối nhất.”

    Ban Ki-Moon: Không thể có sự an toàn thực phẩm nếu không có an toàn khí hậu Đó là tại sao tháng tới tại Copenhagen chúng ta cần một thỏa hiệp bao hàm toàn diện mà sẽ cung cấp nền tảng vững chắc cho hiệp ước bắt buộc hợp pháp về khí hậu thay đổi.

    Giáo hoàng Benedict XVI: Sự bảo tồn môi sinh là thử thách tân thời để cam đoan việc phát triển hòa hợp tôn trọng dự án của Thượng Đế, Đấng Sáng tạo, và do đó có thể bảo tồn Địa Cầu.

    Nếu tất cả nhân loại được kêu gọi để ý thức bổn phận của chính mình đối với các thế hệ tương lai, thì cũng đúng rằng bổn phận bảo vệ môi sinh là trách nhiệm của những quốc gia và tổ chức quốc tế.

    Tổng Bí thư Ban, Liên Hiệp Quốc và mọi nhà lãnh đạo tham dự, xin tri ân quý vị đã quan tâm về phúc lợi của người dân trên khắp thế giới. Thật vậy, mong nhân loại nhanh chóng chấp nhận giải pháp bền vững nhất cho nạn đói cũng như khí hậu thay đổi trên thế giới: lối ăn thuần chay hữu cơ. Thanh Hải Vô Thượng Sư đã thường xuyên nêu rõ việc sản xuất thịt là yếu tố tác hại phía sau sự thiếu hụt tài nguyên và hâm nóng toàn cầu, như tại hội thảo trực tuyến tháng 7, 2009 với các chuyên gia khí hậu và các chuyên gia khác ở California, Hoa Kỳ.

    Thanh Hải Vô Thượng Sư: Ngũ cốc mà chúng ta dùng để nuôi gia súc có thể nuôi 2 tỷ người. Cho nên, tôi không hiểu, chúng ta đang sống trong loại thế giới gì, đang theo kiểu chính sách gì, đang đối đãi với mình và đồng loại của mình kiểu tử tế gì, chưa nói chi đến thú vật.

    Thượng Đế đã tạo đủ nước cho chúng ta, đủ thực phẩm cho chúng ta, thậm chí để dùng mãi mãi, nếu chúng ta biết cách ngưng lạm dụng tài nguyên của Địa Cầu và lương thực trên đó. Chúng ta không nên giết chúng sinh để thỏa mãn sự tham lam của mình. Đây là điểm chính của các vấn đề địa cầu hiện giờ, chúng ta tiêu xài thái quá phước báu đạo đức và tài nguyên thế giới. Ngừng ăn thịt là giải pháp chính để cứu địa cầu.,

  11. #71
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    Default 70. THIẾU THỰC PHẨM

    Food insecurity looms with more rapid climate change - 5 Dec 2010

    With recent research doubling forecasts due to new information about accelerated ice melt in Antarctica and other regions, a 1.4-meter sea level rise is now being anticipated in coastal areas and islands before the next century.

    Countries such as Âu Lạc (Vietnam) are thus calling attention to the issue of food security ahead of the upcoming international negotiations in Copenhagen. Deputy Director of the Aulacese (Vietnamese) Meteorology, Hydrology and Climate Change Department, Mr. Nguyễn Khắc Hiếu has stated that the anticipated flooding would inundate 31,000 square kilometers of the Mekong Delta – an area about the size of Belgium.

    As the world’s second largest rice exporter, the effect to both Âu Lạc and many other countries would be profound. Deputy Director Nguyễn is thus asking that adaptation issues be addressed at the Copenhagen climate summit.

    Our appreciation, Deputy Director Nguyễn and Âu Lạc for calling attention to this vital topic at such a crucial juncture for humanity. May the decisions of our world leaders bring unified steps to restore the balance of our ecosphere. During an August 2009 climate change conference in Thailand, Supreme Master Ching Hai further highlighted the tolls of the current global crisis, while emphasizing the critical need for appropriate action to reverse the situation.

    Supreme Master Ching Hai : In Âu Lạc (Vietnam), you probably know of global warming related problems such as the untimely flooding and encroachment of the sea of the Mekong Delta region –
    both of which have caused havoc and further threat to the region’s vital rice and fruit crops.
    This is due to a combination of sea levels rising, along with the effect of melting glaciers, which are now causing excessive floods but eventually will cause drought and vastly diminished water supplies as well.

    So we must work quickly to avoid such unwanted outcomes.

    And the most effective way is the organic vegan diet, organic vegetable farming. This is also the fastest way to reverse the increased warming climate to prevent further damage and disaster. If everyone does this – be veg – the Earth will begin to cool and we will have more time to implement the measures to eliminate all the carbon emissions. So please, be veg,and tell everyone else of these benefits.,

  12. #72
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    Default 71. THIẾU THỰC PHẨM

    Vanishing topsoil foreshadows impending food crisis. - 12 Feb 2010

    A study presented by Professor John Crawford at the recent Carbon Farming Conference held in New South Wales, Australia, focused on the dangerous loss of topsoil throughout the world.

    Some 75 billion tons are being eroded annually through a combination of agricultural mismanagement and climate change effects, with livestock grazing also causing significant losses.

    In the United States alone, 54% of pasture land is overgrazed, with more than 100 tons of topsoil being lost per hectare per year. At the current rates, experts say that recent events such as the major dust storms in Australia will become more and more frequent, with a vanishing of the resource within decades.

    Saying that restorative actions are needed now, Professor Crawford recommended a combination of practices, including organic farming methods to help rebuild and replace carbon in the soil.

    Dr. Crawford and associates, we are grateful for your research that highlights the value of this imperiled natural resource. May such information motivate more and more people to adopt lifestyles that protect the Earth for ourselves and future generations.

    Supreme Master Ching Hai, who frequently reminds of humanity’s crucial role in environmental conservation, spoke of the benefits of organic vegan farming during an interview for the September 2009 edition of The House Magazine.

    Supreme Master Ching Hai: There are so many benefits from organic vegan farming, as well as many benefiting parties. First, for the farmers, organic vegan farming is productive, saving 37% more energy and even more water than conventional farming methods.

    Next, there are environmental benefits, like the topsoil stays and proves better at withstanding floods and hurricanes. Furthermore, organic vegan farming will halt the runoff of chemical fertilizers that have created monstrous dead zones in the ocean.

    Organic soil matter also absorbs CO2 so effectively that the Rodale Institute calls organic vegan farming a powerful strategy to reduce global warming, by up to 40% of all CO2 emissions now in the atmosphere.

    Finally, we all benefit from better health because it’s free of toxins and abundant in nutrients, without the genetic modification and cancer-causing pesticides.

  13. #73
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    Default 72. THIẾU THỰC PHẨM

    India halts genetically modified food crops - 2 Mar 2010

    Citing concerns for human health and the environment, the government of India has decided not to introduce genetically modified brinjals (eggplant), the nation’s third most important crop after potatoes and tomatoes.

    India’s Environment and Forestry Minister Jairam Ramesh stated that although the measure was proposed as a way to stabilize food prices and ease impacts of climate change such as declining yields, concerns expressed by environmentalists and farmers as well as the potential hazard to public health made it too large a risk.

    Research thus far has shown that besides human health risks, genetically modified crops also require increased application of pesticides and have not been noted to produce higher crop yields.

    We thank Your Excellency and India for your careful consideration and wish to safeguard human health. Wishing that organic plant-based farming may continue to flourish in India, providing wholesome nourishment for all.

    In a March 2009 videoconference in Mexico, Supreme Master Ching Hai cautioned about the effects of such practices as genetic modification, offering an alternative that also addresses climate change.

    Supreme Master Ching Hai: Genetically modified food is not very good for health. We don't need that. If we don't raise animals, we have enough food, extra for everybody.

    Even to feed freely to the hungry people, free of charge. And still have 1 billion portions left over. And organic farming yields plentiful food and, at the same time, absorbs 40% of CO2.

    So, organic farming is good for everything and good for us, and good for the farmers to have a new job, good for our health, good for the planet.,00.html

  14. #74
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    Default 73. THIẾU THỰC PHẨM

    Millions of hunger-afflicted in Niger and Chad - 1 Jun 2010

    Prolonged drought since harvest time last year has parched crops, leaving millions of people facing food shortages across Africa’s Sahel region. On Friday, May 28, the United Nations World Food Program warned that 10 million people will be facing hunger over the next three months, primarily in Niger and Chad, with numbers that could worsen if rains don’t arrive in time for the September harvest.

    While some 8 million are affected in Niger, representing almost half the nation’s population, the 2 million experiencing food shortages in Chad could be considered worse afflicted because the region has received so little international attention. In both countries, children are some of the most affected.

    A recent UN report on Chad stated, “As always, children will be the first ones to suffer and, if nothing is done,
    they will be the first to die.” Some are migrating to places like the Nigerian city of Katsina where they often beg for food while seeking work to support their families.

    Meanwhile, aid agencies like Oxfam are distributing cereals and grains, with Niger’s government also sending out 21,000 tons of food in an attempt to provide adequate sustenance until the next supplies or rains arrive.

    Many thanks, United Nations World Food Program and other agencies as well as all the government and non-governmental efforts for your constant support and donations to comfort those most in need.

    We pray for the blessing of abundant gentle rain and that the lives of African brethren stricken by these harrowing events of drought and hunger may soon be eased through humanity’s benevolent actions toward all beings on Earth.

    Speaking during a May 2009 videoconference in Togo, Supreme Master Ching Hai addressed the treacherous tolls of global warming in Africa while reminding of the actions needed to reverse such changes and stabilize the planet.

    Supreme Master Ching Hai: Sadly, global warming is affecting African countries in all the severest and some of the most visible ways. Rivers and lakes are drying up in Africa.

    There are water crises from Sierra Leone to South Africa. Zimbabwe, Somalia, Mauritius, Mozambique, and Sudan – just to name a few – are experiencing worsened droughts that make it difficult to plant crops, thus adding to food shortages and prices rising.

    There are more frequent droughts, heat waves, floods, storms, frosts, freezes, and locusts than before. These impacts of climate change increase food insecurity and the food crisis in Africa.

    The United Nations is afraid that hundreds of millions of people in Africa are at risk. So let us try our best to help remind and encourage our leaders to do something.

    If the world becomes vegan as a group, we can remedy the disasters that affect us globally.

  15. #75
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    Default 74. THIẾU THỰC PHẨM

    Severe food shortage follows lack of rainfall in Syria - 27 Jun 2010

    Thanks to recent donations from nations and organizations such as Ireland and the European Union, the United Nations World Food Program has been able to distribute food to some 200,000 people who have been hard hit by drought in the last four years.

    However, the agency has noted that 110,000 people are still in need of emergency aid. Weather conditions combined with inefficient water use has resulted in diminished wheat output in some areas, while others have been turned into wastelands. Although a government wheat subsidy program has increased output somewhat, tens of thousands of wells dug illegally by people desperate for the resource have damaged the water table as the country, once a wheat exporter, has had to import the grain for the past three years.

    Recent estimates state that up to a million people have fled to such cities as the capital Damascus, seeking other livelihoods to support their families. The World Food Program has alerted that further distribution of such staples as rice, oil, flour, chickpeas and salt are pending additional funding.

    With our appreciation and Heaven’s blessings for the concerned endeavors of the European Commission, Ireland and the United Nations World Food Program, we pray for the welfare of those in Eastern Syria, as well as all other areas hit by climate-related weather catastrophes and food shortages. May the abundance of a balanced ecosphere soon grace every population as we step quickly in unison to adopt sustainable lifestyles that support all life on Earth.

    During an October 2009 videoconference in Germany, Supreme Master Ching Hai reminded as on previous occasions of the need to be responsible stewards of our planet, offering a solution to safeguarding the world’s precious resources.

    Supreme Master Ching Hai: With current droughts and water shortages already affecting millions and only expected to get worse, worse and worse.

    But even though our predicament is very grave, we do still have time if we act now. And the solution is still very simple. It’s the vegan diet – no animal products.

    Scientists have found that each person eating a meat and dairy based diet uses around 4,500 gallons of water per day,compared to 300 gallons per day for a vegan diet. This also means that 1 pound of animal protein requires 100 times more water to produce than 1 pound of grain protein. Over the course of a year, the vegan diet saves approximately 1.5 million gallons of water per person.

    This is the key. If everyone switches to this beneficial lifestyle, our planet will be cooled in no time,scientifically speaking and my promise.

  16. #76
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    Default 75. THIẾU THỰC PHẨM

    Chadians chew on leaves to stave off hunger - 12 Jul 2010

    A combination of climate change effects and the worst drought in 50 years has led international charity Oxfam to forecast that approximately two million people in Chad will be facing hunger this summer.

    Chadian Farmer (F): For the last 10 years, all of our hard work in our fields has produced nothing. Because there has been little rain, so we have to buy maize from the market.

    Dr.Marzio Babille – UNICEF Representative in Chad (e): Unprecedented impact of lack of rainfalls has accelerated vulnerability in malnutrition rates.

    Zara Hassan – Chadian Farmer (F): Nothing grows here. The sand has taken over and there is nothing left. The soil has gone and the land is now covered with sand.

    With lands left barren by desertification, a process driven in part by deforestation for fuel as well as overgrazing by increased livestock populations, the region’s limited resources have been further strained by Arab herders moving south in search of water and food for their animals.

    Increased tensions over shortages have even led to violence in some cases. Chief Engineer Nekarambaya Kamndo of eastern Chad’s Am Dam District noted vastly decreased rainfall in recent years as well as a change in landscape and climate.

    He stated, “The desert is advancing. The sand is moving onto the streets like it hasn’t before. And it’s very hot. I’ve never known it so hot.”

    Our heartfelt sympathies are with the suffering Chadian people as we pray for the blessing of gentle rain and that our swift steps toward sustainable lifestyles soon relieve such inadequacies in Chad and other drought-stricken areas of our globe.

    Speaking during an April 2009 videoconference in South Korea, Supreme Master Ching Hai addressed the tragic repercussions of food shortages, as well as the simplest and most efficient solution.

    Supreme Master Ching Hai: All this is important because if humans are in shortage of food or of water, then conflicts, of course, will break out. When our family members are in danger of hunger or thirst, maybe we would do anything to bring food to them.

    So reluctantly, some virtuous or good people might even go astray and cause conflict between neighbors and then, on a larger scale, it will cause conflict between nations. Scientists have documented that one serving of beef takes more than a thousand gallons of water to produce. By contrast, the vegan diet uses about one-tenth of that amount.

    So, the best way to prepare for conflict is to take complete prevention.
    The vegan diet will help us to achieve that goal, and almost immediately.

  17. #77
    Moderator Nhím Hoàng Kim's Avatar
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    Default 76. THIẾU THỰC PHẨM

    Changing climate disrupts wheat production in Europe - 12 Jul 2010

    Conditions of severe drought and the loss of nine million hectares of crops thus far prompted government officials in Russia to declare a state of emergency across 14 regions on Friday, July 9.

    With southeastern and central Europe reporting crop damage due to floods, countries such as Russia, France and Romania have reported that excessive heat and water shortages are the reason for recent reductions in wheat harvest forecasts. This news has in turn caused global wheat prices to rise to their highest levels since winter.

    Meanwhile, the United Nations anticipates that agricultural crop losses overall are likely to be much higher in 2010 in part due to changing weather patterns.

    We appreciate these reports from the United Nations, Russia, France, Romania and countries for helping us to understand the urgency of our food security situation. Let us all act now in the most eco-conscious ways to restore balance to our environment and ensure adequate sustenance for all.

  18. #78
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    Default 77. THIẾU THỰC PHẨM

    Russia faces crop loss with severe drought - 16 Jul 2010

    With the government’s declaration of a state of emergency across 16 regions, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev has called for urgent efforts to help farmers survive a record period of dry conditions.
    Central parts of Russia as well as the Volga region, southern Urals and Siberia have been enduring extreme heat since June, with temperatures frequently reaching 40 degrees Celsius in the shade.

    Nine million hectares of crops, representing a fifth of the total area sown have been destroyed thus far, making these the worst losses in 130 years. With grain supplies for cattle down by 50%, the government is working to prevent the desperate measure of a mass slaughter as concerns also rise that bread prices might soon increase in the country that is normally a major world grain exporter.

    To help offset the severe financial impact to growers, which includes the threat of bankruptcy for some, President Medvedev has offered to extend US$1.3 billion in loan credit.

    He stated, “This is a big problem. There has been no anomaly like this in our country for decades.
    We need to figure out how we can preserve at least some of the crops.” Our respectful appreciation, Your Excellency and Russia, for your compassionate actions to help the nation’s farmers.

    We are saddened to know of the drought’s significant effects as we pray for rain’s blessings and the improved welfare of the people. Let us all join in sustainable, Earth-saving actions to restore verdant conditions in Russia and the world. Supreme Master Ching Hai has frequently expressed concern for the critical and widespread dangers posed by such crises, as during a September 2009 videoconference in Peru, while at the same time highlighting the most comprehensive solution.

    Supreme Master Ching Hai: Some countries and communities have to cope with worsened drought situations. There is not enough water to raise crops or even to drink. Every child, family, and society will be affected in some way by this experience of trauma and tragedy.

    The wisest action would be to fix the situation we have now and prevent further damage, then we won’t even have to worry about the future. All the leading scientists we have spoken to tell us one and the same: that we must handle it now, not tomorrow. The smartest way would be to stop the worsening of global warming by being vegan. It sounds very simple but it is the best solution, the most effective and the effect of it will be felt almost immediately.

    Moreover, the problems we already face now – such as the warming atmosphere, water shortage, food scarcity, desertification - we can quickly eliminate by stopping meat production. Stop it now, no further! So please, before the situation gets any more out of hand – let’s choose the vegan diet.

  19. #79
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    Default 78. THIẾU THỰC PHẨM

    US agriculture is already feeling the effects of climate change - 2 Aug 2010

    A four-member panel of scientists organized by the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), with the support of US Senator Tom Harkin of Iowa, has warned of an impending agriculture calamity as crops are impacted by climate change.

    Senior research scientist Dr. Cynthia Rosenzweig of the US National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) explained that the nation’s Northwest and Southeast regions are already seeing significantly reduced rainfall, while other areas are seeing higher-than-average rainfall, both of which adversely affect crop yields.

    Meanwhile, abnormal temperatures are also hampering the proper development of crops. The panel further warned that unstable agriculture could double grain prices by 2050, which could set off civil unrest.

    These experts called for mitigation strategies to curb anticipated crop failures and low yields across the globe.

    Alarming as they are, your warnings are appreciated, Dr. Rosenzweig and colleagues. Let us quickly make the greenest, most sustainable switch to the organic vegan lifestyle to ensure global food and overall security.

    Supreme Master Ching Hai has frequently emphasized such critical dangers associated with global warming, as during an August 2009 videoconference in Thailand, where she also highlighted the fastest solution.

    Supreme Master Ching Hai: The leaders of the nations must do something. The people of all nations must do something. Just because we can still sit here pretty and talk, just because in our area there is not yet water shortage or food prices going up, doesn’t mean it will not happen to us soon.

    We have to do something to avoid the tragedy that is already happening to billions of other people. There are one billion people hungry already because of climate change, and short of water and food.

    Please take action now. Very simple. Just be veg. Just be veg is truly enough for now. And it will be enough for a long future to come.

  20. #80
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    Default 79. THIẾU THỰC PHẨM

    Drought jeopardizes crops and creates water scarcity in Âu Lạc (Vietnam) - 13 Aug 2010

    Months of dry conditions through the month of July, coupled with temperatures of up to 39 degrees Celsius, have left at least 25,000 hectares of rice destroyed, with an additional 70,000 hectares damaged in the north central regions.

    Record low water levels in rivers and reservoirs have also hampered irrigation efforts, and even residents living near rivers have had to walk several kilometers to fetch water or pay for it locally.

    In southern Âu Lạc, saltwater intrusion into the Mekong Delta has become a serious threat to the Vị Thanh City area.

    Tens of thousands of hectares of crops are in jeopardy, and the city’s 200,000 residents awoke one day to find that the tap water had become salty and unusable, with fresh water that had to be purchased at high prices for cooking and washing.

    In an effort to provide relief for the shortages, Prime Minister Nguyễn Tấn Dũng recently announced that 7,100 tons of rice would be allocated from national reserves to four provinces hardest hit by the drought.

    We deeply appreciate the efforts of Your Excellency to alleviate the suffering of fellow citizens. Our prayers for restored bountiful harvests throughout Âu Lạc and the world as we step quickly to adopt sustainable lifestyles in harmony with nature.

    During a November 2009 videoconference in Thailand, Supreme Master Ching Hai addressed with deep concern the situations being faced by the people of Âu Lạc, explaining the most effective solution.

    Supreme Master Ching Hai: Moreover, as the glaciers continue to melt, the great Mekong River will begin to dry, because there’s no more support of flowing water – meaning further hardship for farmers as water becomes more scarce.

    And the drought, combined with sea level rise would cause further salt water contamination. What kind of world will we have left if these global warming changes continue?

    What kind of drinking water, what kind of air we will have, even if the rice plants can grow in salt water? This is a complex ecosystem with a long, long history of supporting human life, so, there is no easy answer. But the most effective one I know, which is so simple, easy and also scientifically proven, is to adopt the meat-free, animal-free lifestyle. If everyone stops the killing and consumption of meat, these destructive changes
    will also stop.

    It is the best thing to help us, to help the farmers and the entire country of Âu Lạc (Vietnam), not just the Mekong Delta.

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