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Thread: Photos of the Day

  1. #121
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    Đa tạ bạn Itsholiday
    Bây giờ ở HCMC coi truyền hình cáp các chương trình NatGeo (National Geographic Mỹ) hay Disscovery cũng... tạm "Tạm" là tại mình nghe... tạm

    - danh hoạ Hoà Lan Vincent Van Gogh những năm cuối đời tự nhiên... tưng tửng, tự coi kiếng cắt 1 bên tai máu me lênh láng
    - cái bông bự "thúi" là giống ăn thịt (côn trùng, ruồi, muỗi ...) côn trùng "nghe" mùi bu vô, các cánh hoa khép lại .... khỏi mong ngày về có nhiều trong rừng già Amazon Nam Mỹ.

    .... có cả hình chụp từ không gian của NASA, xác tàu Titanic dưới bển sâu ...

    À Ban Quản Trị cho hỏi chút :
    - gõ xong click Preview Post coi lại trước khi post cũng phải log in lại ? Mắc công wớ
    Hoặc thêm, bớt cũng phải log in mới "coi lại" được

  2. #122
    a n i r t a k NEP's Avatar
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    Default Re: Photos of the Day

    Quote Originally Posted by Chè_Đậu_Xanh View Post
    À Ban Quản Trị cho hỏi chút :
    - gõ xong click Preview Post coi lại trước khi post cũng phải log in lại ? Mắc công wớ
    Hoặc thêm, bớt cũng phải log in mới "coi lại" được
    Chào bạn vào ĐN chơi

    Thông thường thì bạn không nên gặp phải vấn đề "log in lại" này.... Bạn thử chọn check box Remember me gần nơi log in xem có giúp được gì không.

    Động Nhím, cũng như những website khác, dùng cookies để lưu trữ nickname và password của thành viên trong khi đang log in và dùng website, khi bạn log out Động Nhím sẽ tự động xóa những cookies này. Tùy vào cách bạn chỉnh cookies của máy, nếu bạn chặn không cho Động Nhím dùng cookies trong máy bạn thì lần nào cái trang web refresh bạn cũng cần phải điền vào log in vì không có cookies thì website không thể nào chứng minh được là bạn đang log in. Thông thường thì sẽ không gặp vấn đề này, trừ khi là bạn đã chỉnh cookies settings...nhưng bạn thử chọn "Remember me" xem có giúp được gì không.

  3. #123
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    Đa tạ ban. Chiện nhỏ

    Hình như nhiều bạn trên đây đang định cử ở nước ngoài ?
    Sắp tới Thanksgiving + Noel rùi các bạn thấy người Tây có chuẩn bị gì chưa ? Còn các bạn thì sao kể nghe đi có hình càng tốt

    Các hình thời sự báo chí bạn post rất cô đọng, lượng thông tin phong phú, nhiều hình mang đầy tính nghệ thuật Không những chú thích cho hình mà bài viết còn giải thích về vùng đó

    Người Tây có "con mắt", cảm nhận khác người VN về các sự việc chung quanh
    Có lần mình cùng 1 chú Phóng viên Italy lơn tơn Ca ti na SG (Đồng Khởi) chiều Chủ nhật : có gia đình nọ 2 vợ chồng + 2 con nhỏ chất nhau trên cái Dream 100cc dạo mát rất hào hứng.... chú Italy liền đưa máy lên bấm lia lịa... mình cũng chẳng ngạc nhiên vì nghĩ rằng nó ở bển qua nên thấy gì cũng lạ...
    Nhưng không phải vậy....
    .... khi cái Dream xa dần.... chú Italy mới hỏi mình với ánh mắt... kỳ kỳ :
    - VN mày ngộ quá
    - ?!?
    - chở con trẻ bằng 2 bánh mà chẳng đứa nào đội helmet
    -... ặc !!!

    Tất nhiên nó nói bằng Anh ngữ chứ tiếng mẹ đẻ của nó ma nào hiểu

    Hùi mới học Anh ngữ cũng dzui : trong lớp thì vô tư
    Chừng ra kiếm cơm ... mới.... bật ngửa !
    - du nâu (quái ? You no là gì ?) lát sau mới hỉu = You know
    - oi eo, hấy bờ à, oa tơ à (Oil, Habour, Water) nó đọc luôn âm l (Oil) âm r chót ( 2 chữ kia)
    - ever : có đứa đọc í vờ, đứa đọc ế vờ
    - giọng New Zealand : "tu đai" (today) mới nghe cứ tưởng... To Die
    - do rai = You're right hoặc Your Eye
    - eo lây = LA (Los Angeles)

    Nghĩ lại tụi nó học tiếng Việt thì cũng ... lên bờ xuống ruộng như mình học tiếng nó hehehe

  4. #124
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    Default Re: Photos of the Day

    ... sorrry ở trển gõ thiếu : Harbour

    @ Bạn Itsholiday :
    - Tango có bài này là kinh điển dân Tango ai cũng phải biết :

    Còn Valse (Waltz) thì đây :

  5. #125
    a n i r t a k NEP's Avatar
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    Trong này có nhiều bạn ở nước ngoài, cũng có nhiều bạn ở bên Việt Nam.

    2 ngày lễ lớn nhất ở Mỹ là ngày Thanksgiving và Christmas (Noel), trong 2 ngày lễ này thì con cháu ở xa hay về thăm cha mẹ họ. Khác với người Việt mình là người Mỹ 1 khi dọn ra rồi thì ít về thăm lắm, không phải là họ không về được mà là ít khi nào về thăm cha mẹ hoặc ông bà của họ. Cha mẹ và ông bà cũng vậy, ít khi nào tới thăm con cháu lắm. Người Việt mình nếu ở rất xa thì vài ba tháng về thăm 1 lần, nếu ở xa thì vài ba tuần, còn ở gần thì hầu như ngày nào cũng gặp. Ở Mỹ bây giờ thì đa số nhà nào cũng chuẩn bị cho ngày lễ Halloween. Thanksgiving thì chưa chuẩn bị đâu. Tới Thanksgiving thì hầu như nhà nào cũng ăn gà Tây và khoai Tây (người Việt mình cũng vậy). Người Mỹ thấy ngày này là ngày lễ để Tạ Ơn, còn người Việt mình thì hầu như coi ngày này là 1 cái cớ đễ thăm viếng nhau và ăn nhậu thôi...hehehe Ngày Christmas cũng tương tự như vậy, người Tây coi trọng lắm còn người Việt mình thì hầu như thêm 1 lý do để ăn tiệc và thăm viếng bà còn và bạn bè. Ngày Christnmas thì thường có quà cáp nhiều hơn ngày Thanksgiving. 1 phần đông nhà nào cũng có cây Noel trong những ngày Christmas (Mỹ hay dùng cây thật còn người Việt mình hay dùng cây bằng nhựa). Không phải vì lý do tiền bạc mà dùng cây thật dọn dẹp mệt hơn cho nên người Việt mình làm cho có và dùng cây nhựa, người Mỹ thì họ làm đúng lệ hơn 1 chút (cây thật có mùi thơm). Mà cũng tùy vào tôn giáo nào nữa, nếu là Công Giáo và Tin Lành thì coi ngày Christmas rất quan trọng (kể cả người Việt mình). Nhà Nếp không theo đạo nào hết cho nên có lễ cũng ăn mừng mà không có lễ cũng tìm cớ để ăn mừng.

    Nếu mà nói về tiếng Anh của người Anh thì họ phát ấm đúng lắm, nhưng nếu mà nói về tiếng Anh của người Mỹ thì có nhiều cách phát âm. Tuy không ai phát âm giống ai khi dùng tiếng Anh của Mỹ nhưng phần đồng có thể hiểu được nhau. Nếu nói mà không hiểu thì dùng tay để diễn tả và chỉ. Cũng như chữ "Harbour", chữ này viết theo tiếng Anh bên Anh, còn tiếng Anh bên Mỹ viết là "Harbor"...hehe...colour là color...vv... Có thể nói tiếng Anh của Mỹ dễ phổ biến vì phát âm kiểu nào cũng dễ hiểu hơn...vì Mỹ có quá nhiều dân tộc cho nên không ai nói giống ai. Ở Việt Nam thì giọng nói khác với miền (Nam, Tây, Trung, Bắc, vv...), còn ở Mỹ không những khác về miền mà còn khác do người nói thuộc về dân tộc nào nữa.

    Nếp cứ nghĩ 1 ngày nào đó sẽ ghé thăm Vienna để nghe nhạc Waltz...

  6. #126
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    Photos of the Day | Wednesday, Oct. 20, 2010

    Chariots race around Sydney Olympic Stadium during a full dress rehearsal for Ben Hur The Stadium Spectacular in Sydney, Australia, Wednesday, Oct. 20, 2010.

    Riot police officers fire teargas on students in Nanterre, near Paris, Wednesday, Oct. 20, 2010. People are taking to the streets in many cities across France to protest against the proposed raising of the retirement age to 62.

    Firefighting crews from Seatac and Bellingham Airports do live fire training at the Washington State Fire Training Academy in North Bend, part of a three-day annual certification. The state of the art facility is the only one of its kind in the northwest, and airport fire crews train with the intent of eliminating 90 percent of a fire's intensity within the first minute of the first crew arriving on the scene. Real jet fuel is used to simulate an emergency, and burns between 400-800 gallons per minute.

    A Strike Eagle tops off its tanks with jet fuel provided by a Fairchild Air Force Base 92nd Air Refuling Wing KC-135R Stratotanker on deployment at the Manas Transit Center in Kyrgyzstan on Oct. 16, 2010. The extra fuel extends the range and versatility of the fighter jets, which provide critical air support for U.S. ground forces battling insurgents.

    Volunteers help roll up a giant banner printed with the Preamble to the United States Constitution during a demonstration against the Supreme Court's Citizens United ruling at the Lincoln Memorial on the National Mall October 20, 2010 in Washington, DC. The rally at the memorial was organized by brothers Laird and Robin Monahan who spent the last five months walking from San Francisco, California, to Washington to protest the court decision, which overturned the provision of the McCain-Feingold law barring corporations and unions from paying for political ads made independently of candidate campaigns.

    Photo taken on October 6, 2010 shows an elderly Bhutanese woman outside her home in a village near the town of Haa. The Haa valley lies along the western border of the country and to the north it is bounded by the Tibet autonomous region of China. The valley was off-limits to tourists until 2002.

  7. #127
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    Photos of the Day | Friday, Oct. 22, 2010

    Patients with cholera receive medical attention at St. Nicholas hospital in Saint Marc, Haiti, Friday, Oct. 22, 2010. An outbreak of cholera in rural central Haiti has killed at least 142 people and sickened hundreds more who overwhelmed the hospital in Saint Marc seeking treatment.

    A woman walks on the beach as stationary oil and gas tankers wait off Fos sur Mer, southern France, Friday Oct. 22, 2010. French President Nicolas Sarkozy ordered regional authorities to intervene and force open fuel depots, accusing the strikers of holding ordinary people and the French economy "hostage." French riot police forced open a strategic fuel refinery Friday that had been a bastion of resistance to President Nicolas Sarkozy's bid to raise the retirement age to 62, in a bid to end gasoline shortages.

    Tugs move in to assist the Royal Navy nuclear submarine HMS Astute, after it ran aground in shallow water off the Isle of Skye, Scotland, Friday Oct. 22, 2010. The Ministry of Defence insisted that the accident was not a nuclear incident, that the submarine remained watertight, and that there is no indication of any environmental problems as a result of the accident. The Astute is biggest and most powerful attack submarine ever built for the Royal Navy, and measures nearly one hundred meters from bow to stern, and is longer than ten London buses.

    Sebastien Ogier and Julien Ingrassia of France driving a Citroen C4 in action during a Rally of Catalonia in La Ribera d'Ebre, Spain, Friday, Oct. 22, 2010.

    Amish school children walk with their baseball bats and gloves to a neighboring school for a softball game in Middlefield, Ohio on Friday, Oct. 22, 2010. Normally the students play the game at recess at their own school, but on this day they were taking a field trip to the next school over to play.

    President Barack Obama reaches to high-five someone in the crowd as he leaves a rally at the University of Washington in Seattle, Thursday, Oct. 21, 2010. Obama spoke earlier at a private home about women and the economy Thursday morning before headlining the rally for Sen. Patty Murray, D-Wash.

    A model shows a creation by Romona Keveza during Toronto Fashion Week in Toronto Thursday, Oct. 21, 2010.

    An Afghan villager walks among US soldiers from L Trp 4/25CR at a check point in Kandahar City, Afghanistan, Thursday, Oct. 21, 2010.

    A train has to stop at a portion of North-South railway that was destroyed by recent floods in Vu Quang district, central province of Ha Tinh on October 22, 2010. The floods which killed at least 74 people, destroyed also many infrastructure facilities in central Vietnam.

  8. #128
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    Photos of the Day | Monday, Oct. 25, 2010

    A full moon rises behind the art deco spire of the old Kansas City and Light building in downtown Kansas City, Mo. Sunday, Oct. 24, 2010.

    Phila, a five year old critically endangered Black Rhino, after being released at the Johannesburg Zoo, Monday Oct. 25. 2010. Phila has been moved to the zoo where she will be kept in safety, away from poachers, before being returned to her original herd. Although she had been dehorned she has been the target of poachers who have shot her twice in the wild and seven times in captivity.

    Philipp Schoerghofer, of Austria, speeds down the course during the first run of an alpine ski men's World Cup giant slalom race race in Soelden, Austria, Sunday, Oct. 24, 2010.

  9. #129
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    Photos of the Day | Tuesday, Oct. 26, 2010

    Pedestrians laugh as they fight high winds and rain along South Wabash Avenue at East Jackson Boulevard in Chicago's Loop on Tuesday, Oct. 26, 2010. Strong wind and torrential rain buffeted the Midwest Tuesday as forecasters predicted the giant storm could be the most powerful to hit Illinois in over seven decades.

    Two Red Cross workers walk away from a barn that was lifted off its foundation by a tornado Tuesday, Oct. 26, 2010, in Mount Pleasant, Wis. Wisconsin is one of eleven states in the Midwest under a high wind warning.

    An employee of Haiti's Ministry of Health shows a device that measures the level of chlorine in the water stored in plastic tanks that is consumed by earthquake survivors at a refugee camp in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, Monday, Oct. 25, 2010. The Haitian government is conducting tests in the camps around the capital and purifying the water with chlorine tablets in order to avoid the spread of the cholera outbreak that killed more than 250 people in rural Haiti.

    Indonesian rescuers evacuate victims of Merapi volcano at Kinahrejo village, Sleman, Yogyakarta on October 26, 2010. Indonesia's Mount Merapi erupted three times on October 26, causing thousands to flee and claiming the life of a three-month-old baby as it emitted searing clouds and volcanic ash.

    An Indian woman gets her hand decorated with traditional design using henna paste as part of "Karwa Chauth" festivities, in Allahabad, India, Tuesday, Oct. 26, 2010. Married Hindu women observe a day long fast for the health and long life of their husbands during this festival which is celebrated in northern India.

    St George's Hall is seen during a banquet held during the state visit of Qatar's Emir Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa al-Thani and his wife Sheikha Mozah bint Nasser Al Missned at Windsor Castle on October 26, 2010 in Windsor, United Kingdom. The Sheikh is on a two day State visit to the UK, the first since his last in 1985, which is seen as important in strengthening already strongly established business links with one of the Gulf States most financially powerful nations.

    A worker rides a bike in front of the reactor building of the Bushehr nuclear power plant, just outside the southern city of Bushehr, Iran, Tuesday, Oct. 26, 2010. Iran began loading fuel into the core of its first atomic power plant on Tuesday, moving closer to the start up of a facility that leaders have touted as defying of international efforts to curtail the country's nuclear ambitions.

    A man drives his bicycle taxi, decorated with an image of Cuban revolutionary hero Ernesto "Che" Guevara, past vintage cars in Havana, Cuba, Monday, Oct. 25, 2010. Cuba has made official the economic changes it announced last month, publishing nearly 100 pages of rules and regulations for small businesses in the government Gazette, raising hopes that eagerly anticipated licenses for the newly self-employed could be issued soon.

  10. #130
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    Photos of the Day | Wednesday, Oct. 27, 2010

    A rescuer works in a village hit by the eruption of Mount Merapi in Indonesia. The eruption and a tsunami killed people hundreds of miles apart.

    Dana Maragos heads to the train station as winds whipped throughout the Midwest Tuesday.

    Water splashes over the 57-foot tall Ludington Lighthouse in Michigan as wind gusts reached 64 mph. The storm packed wind gusts of up to 81 mph Tuesday as it howled across the Midwest and South, snapping trees and power lines, ripping off roofs and delaying flights.

    Seattle Police remove the suspect in Tuesday night's shooting death at 2nd Avenue and Pike Street. The suspect, Tomas Afeworki, was under the supervision of the state Department of Corrections for a second-degree assault conviction, according to law-enforcement officials.

    Cattle walk through a foggy field on Wednesday near Hopkinsville, Ky.

    China unveils new bullet trains linking Shanghai with Hangzhou.

    Windy Leu, who lives at Stevens Pass, snowshoes under the Hogsback Express lift with her dog Cedar.

    A Pakistani girl mourns the death of relative at a blast site in Quetta on Oct, 27. The bomb killed at least two people and wounded 11.

    Afghan children run in front of the ruined Darlaman Palace Oct. 27. More than 300 Afghan Kuchi tribal nomads settled into the palace several months ago under the protection of Afghan paramilitary police who use the ruins as a makeshift patrol base.

    Kittens sit in a bucket before meeting the Duchess of Cornwall, during a visit to the Battersea Dog and Cat's Home in London, Wednesday. It was the Duchess' first visit to the home, which offers refuge to lost and abandoned cats and kittens.

    A para-glider soars near Rosenheim, southern Germany, on Wednesday.

  11. #131
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    Photos of the Day | Thursday, Oct. 28, 2010

    A Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) Ministry of Health employee administers a polio vaccination to a Congolese child during the first day of a national polio mass immunization campaign in Lubumbashi located in the southern part of the DRC on October 28, 2010. Fifteen countries in Africa are undertaking a mass polio immunization campaign for 72 million children this week, the World Health Organization said earlier in the week. Polio has spread again in recent years with cases imported from some of the four endemic nations in Asia and Africa, mainly Nigeria, in a setback to global attempts to eradicate the crippling and sometimes lethal disease.

    A Sadhu, or Hindu holy man, his face smeared with turmeric and vermilion paste, looks on at the Sangam, the confluence of rivers Ganges, Yamuna and mythical Saraswati, in Allahabad, India, Thursday, Oct. 28, 2010.

    Protesting Culture Ministry contract workers, left, display a banner reading "No Firings" on the roof of the Propylaea, the monumental gate of the ancient Acropolis and in front of the Parthenon temple, right, on Thursday, Oct. 28, 2010. Tens of thousands of government workers on short-term contracts are facing redundancy in crisis-hit Greece. Thursday's protest occurred on a Greek national holiday to honor veterans of World War II.

    Paul Beales and Billy-Joe Whenman of Great Britain ride the London 2012 Olympic Mountain Bike venue at Hadleigh Farm on October 28, 2010 in Southend, England. The London Organizing Committee of the Olympic Games and Paralympic Games (LOCOG) and Essex County Council invited media to visit Hadleigh Farm, the London 2012 Olympic Mountain Bike venue, for a first look at how the course is taking shape. Excellent progress has been made since construction started in July 2010, with some key features now complete. Work is on schedule to be completed in advance of a test event in Summer 2011.

    A woman coming from Ounamenthe, in Haiti, crosses into the Dominican Republic through the bordering Masacre river, on October 27, 2010. The death toll in an outbreak of cholera in Haiti rose by eight to 292 on Wednesday, but officials said 500 more people had been hospitalized suffering from the virulent illness. More than 3,600 people have been infected in the sudden cholera outbreak in the impoverished Caribbean nation since last week, and the WHO's cholera experts remain mystified by the origins of the epidemic. Some 1.3 million people displaced by a January earthquake are still crammed into thousands of makeshift camps dotted around the capital, and aid agencies had voiced fears that cholera could spread like wildfire in such conditions.

  12. #132
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    Photos of the Day | Friday, Oct. 29, 2010

    Investigators are seen inspecting a United Parcel Service jet near the company's facility at Philadelphia International Airport in Philadelphia, Friday, Oct. 29, 2010. Law enforcement officials are investigating reports of suspicious packages on cargo planes in Philadelphia and Newark, N.J.

    Mount Merapi spews pyroclastic smoke and ash Friday near Yogyakarta, Indonesia. At least 36 people were killed in earlier eruptions this week, with authorities evacuating villagers within a 10km zone after warning more eruptions are imminent. Mount Merapi, the 'Mountain of Fire', is the most active volcano in Indonesia.

    Medical workers take care of wounded victims from the village of Munte Baru-Baru hamlet on North Pagai island after a 7.7-magnitude quake-triggered tsunami hit the Mentawai islands, West Sumatra on October 28, 2010. The death toll from the tsunami which struck western Indonesia rose to 311 with another 379 still listed as missing more than two days after the disaster, an official said on October 28.

    A snow covered Mount St. Helens is shown in Ridgefield, Wash. on Oct. 27, 2010.

    Firefighters fight the flames of the Dome Fire on Friday, Oct. 29, 2010 in Boulder, Colo. The fires are burning on about 20 acres on public open space land. Authorities have ordered evacuations for a portion of Boulder's west side, where approximately 1,700 people live. Two medical buildings are also being evacuated.

    One of two driverless vehicles, equipped with laser scanners and cameras to detect and help avoid obstacles, travels on the Shanghai Expo site to attend the official celebration of their arrival in Shanghai, China, Thursday Oct. 28, 2010. A team of Italian engineers launched the longest-ever test drive of driverless vehicles, a 13,000-kilometer (8,000-mile), three-month road trip from Italy to China.

    Janette Johnson jumps through a shattered wall of her rental home after searching for some papers Thursday, October 28, 2010. The home, which she lives in with her mother and son in Roxboro, North Carolina, was destroyed by strong storms early Thursday morning.

    This NASA Earth Observatory released on October 29, 2010 and taken by the GOES satellite on October 26, shows a storm system circling around the area of extreme low pressure in the upper Midwest of the United States. Such extratropical cyclones form over the United States in the spring and fall, when the temperature difference from north to south is large. Warm, high-pressure air rushes toward the cooler, low-pressure air in the north. Because the Earth is rotating, the air moving in ends up circling the area of low pressure, creating the cyclone shown in the image. The intensity of the storm is determined by the pressure difference between the center and the outer edges. Extreme low pressure in the center of the storm, therefore, is an indicator that the storm was very intense.The storm that swept across the center of the United States on October 26 and October 27, 2010, was memorable to those who experienced it because of its strong winds, rain, hail, and widespread tornadoes.

    A flock of birds that were feeding on grass near the runway, swarm upwards as a U.S. Air Force plane makes touch-and-go landings Friday Oct. 29, 2010 at the Fort Smith Regional Airport in Fort Smith, Ark.

  13. #133
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    Photos of the Day | Monday, Nov. 1, 2010

    Residents evacuate the danger zone as the Merapi volcano explodes in Indonesia on Nov. 1. An eruption killed at least 36 people last week. In addition to Merapi, 21 other volcanoes in Indonesia have begun to rumble, seismologists say.

    A crater appears in the German town of of Schmalkalden on Nov. 1. Twenty five residents were evacuated.

    A heron walks in shallow water in the Merritt Island National Wildlife Refuge Oct. 31, in Titusville, Florida.

    A woman wipes a tear as she prays next to the tomb of her relatives on the eve of All Saints Day in a cemetery in Barcelona, Spain, Sunday.

    A Pakistani boy smiles after catching a fish next to a refugee camp in Muzaffargarh, Pakistan, Monday.

    A couple enjoys the sunset on the outskirts of Belarus's capital Minsk, Sunday.

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    Photos of the Day | Wednesday, Nov. 3, 2010

    U.S. President Barack Obama holds a news conference, the day after Republicans gained 60 seats in the House of Representatives in midterm elections, in the East Room of the White House November 3, 2010 in Washington, DC. As of Tuesday morning, the Republican party had won 239 seats in the House, giving the GOP control of the chamber for the first time since 2006. The power shift could jeopardize Obama's legislative plans for the next two years.

    An elderly Afghan man rests inside a public park as fighter jets, unseen, leave trails in the sky over Kabul, Afghanistan, Wednesday, Nov. 3, 2010.

    South Korean Min Soon-Gi (not pictured), 83, grasps a hand of his North Korean older sister Min Soon-Bi, 86, during a separated family reunion meeting at the Mount Kumgang resort on the North's southeastern coast, near the border, on November 3, 2010. South and North Korea resumed the reunions of families separated by the Korean War six decades ago, contrasting with the heightening tension along their border after a series of incidents involving gunfire.

    Octopus Paul II, successor to the tentacled tipster that wowed the world with his uncanny knack of correctly predicting World Cup football games, swims in his aquarium as he is presented to the media on November 3, 2010 in at the Sea Life aquarium in Oberhausen, western Germany. The new cephalopod, also named Paul in honour of his world-famous predecessor who passed away last week, was lowered gently into his tank in a ceremony carried live on national television.

    Thai villagers wade through floodwater during floods in the southern Thai city of Hat Yai on November 3, 2010. Thai troops scrambled to reach thousands of people stranded after flash floods swept through a major southern city, as the government expressed optimism it could reach all those trapped.

    An Indonesian man watches as Mount Merapi erupts in Kepuharjo, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, Wednesday, Nov. 3, 2010. Indonesia's most dangerous volcano is once again sending searing gas clouds and burning rocks down its scorched flanks.

    Pakistani floods displaced women sit on a bench outside the hospital in Basira village, Punjab Province, Pakistan, Wednesday, Nov. 3, 2010.

    A man puts flowers on the lid of a wall tomb at the General Cemetery in San Salvador, El Salvador, on the Day of the Dead on November 2, 2010. The Day of the Dead is celebrated by Catholics is some countries and occurs in connection with the Catholic holidays of All Saints' Day on November 1 and All Souls' Day on November 2nd.

    A baby Guanaco is nursed by her mother Hannah, right, in their enclosure at the zoo in Berlin, November 2, 2010. The South America native Lama female calf was born in the zoo on last October 17.

    People walk past a heart made of autumnally coloured leaves on the grass in Berlin's Tiergarten park on November 2, 2010, as temperatures fell to around ten degrees Celsius.

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    Photos of the Day | Friday, Nov. 5, 2010

    Swiss pilot Yves Rossy, the first man in the world to fly under a jet-fitted wing, speeds through the air to perform a looping in Bercher, western Switzerland, Friday, Nov 5, 2010. Rossy has completed two aerial loops using his custom-made jet-propelled wingsuit. Rossy jumped from a hot-air balloon above Lake Geneva and performed the daredevil stunt before landing safely with a parachute.

    A little girl is carried into a U.N. as earthquake survivors are evacuated from the Corail-Cesselesse tent refugee camp before the arrival of tropical storm Tomas in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, Thursday, Nov. 4, 2010. Fear and confusion set in among more than 1 million Haitians advised to leave earthquake homeless camps in the country's capital.

    This National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) satellite image captured by the GOES-13 satellite shows a visible image of Tropical Storm Tomas on November 5, 2010 at 1331 UTC (9:31 am EDT) centered over the southwestern tip of Haiti. The clouds to the north of Tomas are associated with a cold front off the eastern US coast. Flooding sparked by heavy rain from Hurriance Tomas killed another two people in Haiti Friday, bringing the island's death toll to three."Two people were killed in the town of Leogane, which is completely flooded," said an official with Haitian civil defense agency.

    This undated combination of photos released by the Canada Border Services Agency, shows left, a young man who boarded an Air Canada flight in Hong Kong while elaborately disguised as an elderly male, center and right, the disguise he was wearing while on board the flight bound for Canada. The man is seeking refugee status in Canada in what border officials are calling an "unbelievable case of concealment."

    A view from a domestic flight from Denpasar to Yogyakarta that was subsequently diverted to Surabaya airport shows a plume of gas and ash billowing some 10 km (six miles) high from the Mount Merapi volcano during an eruption on November 4, 2010. Volcanologists said the "high intensity" eruption was the strongest yet from the 2,914-metre (9,616-foot) Mount Merapi. Indonesia's most active volcano Merapi, located in Central Java province is a sacred landmark in Javanese culture whose name translates as "Mountain of Fire."

    Villager flee their home ride motorcycles following another eruption Mount Merapi in Klaten ,Indonesia, Friday, Nov. 5, 2010. A new eruption at Indonesia's volcano has forced authorities to widen the "danger zone" to 12 miles (20 kilometers) from the fiery crater.

    Matt Heuer, of Seattle, holds a sign before an NBA basketball game between the Portland Trail Blazers and the Oklahoma City Thunder on Thursday, Nov. 4, 2010, in Portland, Ore. The Seattle SuperSonics left Seattle and became the Thunder in 2008.

    A man prays in front of a destroyed house in San Antonio de Escazu in the outskirts of San Jose on November 4, 2010. At least eight people died and 15 others were missing when a mudslide triggered by heavy rain crashed into the village.

    High wire artist Freddy Nock walks on a hire wire between a castle and a church in Thun, Switzerland, Thursday, Nov 4, 2010.

    Tourists feed pigeons on November 5, 2010 at the landmark Gateway of India across the Taj Mahal Palace Hotel in Mumbai where US President Barack Obama will stay during the Mumbai leg of his India visit. US President Barack Obama is scheduled to arrive in India's financial capital along with his wife Michelle on November 6, for a two day visit of his Mumbai leg of the India trip. Obama's visit will be heavy on events focusing on economic synergies between India and the United States, and appears less likely to emphasize diplomatic issues, like the Indo-Pakistani row over Kashmir.

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    Photos of the Day | Monday, Nov. 8, 2010

    A farmer walks in his corn field covered after an eruption from Mount Merapi covered it with ash Monday.

    Pope Benedict XVI, center, leads a mass at Sagrada Familia church in Barcelona, Spain, Sunday. He consecrated the Barcelona landmark designed by Antoni Gaudi.

    Perry Watkins sits in his mini car on a street in Essen, Germany, Monday. The car is listed in the Guinness Book of World Records as the world's smallest car with a license to drive on public streets. Just 41 inches high, 51 inches long and 26 inches wide, the mini always finds a parking space.

    A Myanmar activist holds a portrait of Myanmar's pro-democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi during a protest against their home country's election, in front of the Myanmar Embassy in Tokyo, Japan, Sunday, Nov. 7, 2010. Voters in Myanmar's first election in 20 years cast their ballots Sunday amid both a barrage of criticism that the balloting was rigged in favor of the ruling military and hope that some change toward democratic reform might nonetheless follow.

    A busrider waits for a bus during a snow storm in Albany, on Monday, Nov. 8, 2010.

    A woman, who was displaced by floods, bathes using a hand pump at a camp in Basira village, Punjab Province, Pakistan. The floods that hit Pakistan in the summer of 2010 took 2,000 lives and affected 20 million people, of whom 7 million remain homeless.

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    Photos of the Day | Tuesday, Nov. 9, 2010

    Search and rescue team members from Yogyakarta put a victim of Merapi volcano's eruption into a body bag taken at the village of Ngancar in Sleman on November 8, 2010. International flights to Indonesia's capital Jakarta returned to normal on November 8, officials said, a day ahead of a visit by US President Barack Obama, after volcanic ash caused a weekend of travel chaos.

    Designer Dian Pelangi (L) walk on the runway with models following his collection show as part of the APPMI show on the second day of Jakarta Fashion Week 2010 at Pacific Place on November 9, 2010 in Jakarta, Indonesia.

    A Sand Tiger Shark swims in its aquarium at the Zoo-Aquarium in Berlin, Germany, Tuesday, Nov. 9, 2010.

    A picture taken on November 8, 2010 shows officials standing among pink bags marking the location of unexploded cluster bombs before their demolition in Nasom village, Paxay district, Xieng Khuang province of Laos. Bomb disposal technicians uncovered the 56 cluster bomb submunitions, each about the size of a tennis ball, lying just below the surface of the earth in Xieng Khuang province. Laos is the most heavily bombed nation per capita, and Xieng Khuang was among the most severely hit of all, according to officials. In the province's Paxay district alone there were 13,500 bombing missions which released more than six million cluster bomblets, according to Laos's National Regulatory Authority (NRA), which coordinates work on unexploded ordnance (UXOs).

    A man bathes with water collected from a puddle in a street of Port-au-Prince, Haiti, Monday Nov. 8, 2010.

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    Photos of the Day | Wednesday, Nov. 10, 2010

    From end to end, the newly discovered gamma-ray bubbles extend 50,000 light-years, or about half of the Milky Way’s diameter, as shown in this illustration.

    Marine Corporal Erik Bjelke kisses his girlfriend Felicia Lam before boarding a bus at the Armed Forces Reserve Center at Ellington Field and engaging in pre-deployment training at Camp Pendleton in California Tuesday, Nov. 9, 2010, in Houston.

    A farmer gathers grass to feed livestock as Mount Merapi spews ash and dust in the background at Wonololo village in Magelang, central Java on November 10, 2010. Ash from the eruption of Indonesia's most active volcano, which has killed 151 people and displaced hundreds of thousands more, caused more disruption to flights November 10. Mount Merapi, which means "Mountain of Fire", has been spewing ash and heat clouds since late October, killing people with torrents of boiling hot gas and rock and forcing 320,000 people to flee to makeshift camps.

    Tuesday morning's sunrise illuminates the clouds over the Cascade Mountain Range in this view from the Horizon View neighborhood of Lake Forest Park. The forecast calls for partly cloudy skies and showers the rest of the week.

    A Pakistani woman carries fire wood on her head past a man with his goat in a slum area of Lahore on November 10, 2010. Pakistan's cabinet decided to raise the income tax by 10 percent for next six months to raise 40 billion rupees (470 million dollars) for nearly two million people hit by massive floods. Unprecedented monsoon rains triggered catastrophic flooding across Pakistan in July and August, ravaging an area roughly the size of England and affecting 21 million people in the poverty-stricken country's worst natural disaster.

    Tourists walk on wooden boards set up as walk ways as high water floods St. Mark's Square, in Venice, Italy. The tidal surge peaked at 106 centimeters, high enough to flood the city's landmarks. Heavy rainfall has been hitting north-eastern Italy the past week, causing severe damage to the region following mudslides and flooding.

    A statue salutes as the sun rises at Ohio Western Reserve National Cemetery in Rittman, Ohio on Wednesday, Nov. 10, 2010. Veteran's Day will be observed on Thursday. The first Armistice Day was marked on November 11, 1919.

    Giant waves hit "Le Rocher de la Vierge" off the coast of Biarritz, southwestern France, on November 9, 2010.

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    Photos of the Day | Thursday, November 11, 2010

    A landscape of ash is seen as Merapi volcano is seen in the background at the village of Glagaharjo in Sleman on November 11, 2010. Indonesia's most active volcano sent clouds of ash high into the sky on November 11, after a series of major eruptions, with an alert status remaining in force, an official said.

    Pigeons fly in front of camels as they stroll in Liwa, a western region of Abu Dhabi, on November 11, 2010.

    A Burmese girl looks on as she holds flowers at a vegetable market downtown following the country's first election in 20 years, on November 8, 2010 in Yangon, Burma. Burma's top court has rejected Aung San Suu Kyi's appeal against her house arrest. Her current detention order expires on November 13th, prompting speculation that she could be freed on Saturday.

    The silhouette of Dresden's skyline reflects in the Elbe river as sun sets on November 10, 2010 in Dresden, eastern Germany. Meteorologists forecast for the region unsettled weather with temperatures around 10 degrees Celsius.

    The first lady of the United States Michelle Obama, left, serves food for US airmen and their relatives at Ramstein Airbase in Ramstein, Germany, Thursday, Nov. 11, 2010. Michelle Obama makes a series of stops within the Kaiserslautern Military Community on Veterans Day to thank US servicemen and women for their work.

    Yemeni boys react as a team wins the game while playing table football in an alley of a neighborhood in San'a, Yemen, Thursday, Nov. 11, 2010.

    A Muslim pilgrim prays at the top of Noor Mountain near where the Hiraa cave is located, on the outskirts of Mecca, Saudi Arabia, Thursday, Nov. 11, 2010. The annual Islamic pilgrimage draws three million visitors each year, making it the largest yearly gathering of people in the world.

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    Photos of the Day | Friday, November 12, 2010

    A farmer walks across the paddy field as heat clouds of ash continues to spew out of the Mount Merapi eruption (background) in Sleman on November 12, 2010. Indonesia's most active volcano sent clouds of ash high into the sky after a series of major eruptions, with an alert status remaining in force, an official said yesterday. Since Mount Merapi began erupting in late October, a total of 194 people have died, according to yesterday's updated toll, and more than 360,000 people have been forced to live in makeshift camps outside the danger zone.

    Camels are seen at a sacrificial livestock market ahead of the Muslim festival Eid al-Adha in Lahore on November 12 2010. Eid al-Adha, which commemorates biblical patriarch Ibrahim's (or Abraham's) acceptance of God's command to sacrifice his son Ismail (or Ishmael), falls on the 10th of Dhul al-Hijja on the Islamic calendar. As Ibrahim was allowed to sacrifice a ram instead, Muslim families mark the day by ritually sacrificing sheep, goats, cows and other livestock, the meat of which is also shared with the needy.

    An Indian Hindu devotee hands over a traditional oil lamp as they prepare for prayers to the sun during the Chhat Festival while standing in a water body, in Bangalore on November 12, 2010. Chhat festival is dedicated to Lord Surya (Sun), Agni (fire) and Lord Kartikeya or Muruga. People undertake this prayer for the wellbeing of the family. It is believed that people get their wishes fulfilled if they observe Chhat Puja. People fast for the whole day and in the evening they offer Chhat to the setting sun at the banks of water body normally a river or sea.

    A woman walks with her umbrella on Monastiraki square central Athens during rainfall on Friday, Nov. 12, 2010.

    The sunrise seen from Sunset Hill park in Ballard on Wednesday morning November 10, 2010.

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