original Russian description:
Самая большая жертва Земле за это столетие была принесена в 1976 г. – по разным оценкам, от 255 до 600 тыс. жизней унесло землетрясение в Китае. В год на планете в среднем происходит около 18 значительных землетрясений силой 7–7,9 балла и одно сильное – 8 баллов и выше. В 1999 г. их было 20. Рекордным годом считается 1943 г., когда было зарегистрировано 41 землетрясение.

by Google translate
The biggest victim of this century that the Earth was brought in 1976 - according to different estimates, from 255 to 600 thousand claimed the life of an earthquake in China. In a year in the world occur on average about 18 significant earthquakes 7-7,9 force, and one strong points - 8 points and above. In 1999 there were 20. The record year is considered to be 1943, when there were 41 earthquake.

1905, April 4, India, the city of Kangra

1905, September 8, Italy, Calabria

in 1906, April 18th, the United States, California, the city of San Francisco

in 1906, August 16, Chile, the city of Valparaiso

1907, January 14, Jamaica, the city of Kingston

China, Gansu Province, unknown year

Tokyo and Yokohama City

in Chile

1939, December 27, Turkey

1948, October 6, the Soviet Union, Turkmenistan, Ashgabat

1949, August 5, Ecuador

1950, August 15, India, Assam

1959, October 29, Mexico, Minatitlan

in Morocco, Agadir