
Dt 18:15-20

1Cor 7:32-35

Mk 1:21-28

Questions for reflection

1. Are you eager to hear the word of God?

2. Do you hear it with selective submission or with the full assent of faith and obedience?

3. Are you eager to be taught by the Lord and to conform your life according to His word?

4. What are the “demons” with which you struggle?

5. Pray for the courage to open yourself to the saving power of God’s love


In today’s Gospel, we hear about the authority of the Lord. The reading is taken from the first chapter of the earliest of the Gospels, the Gospel of Mark. Jesus begins to teach in Capernaum. The people are held spellbound because he spoke with authority. A man comes before Jesus who is in the hand of the power of evil. Jesus makes the devil come out of the man. The bystanders are amazed because Jesus has such authority.

What do we mean when we speak about the authority of the Lord? What ways do we exercise authority? What ways do we exercise the authority of the Lord?

When we talk about the authority of the Lord, we recognize that He is the Creator. He has the power to govern the universe. In the Gospel, the people were amazed because they had never experienced someone speaking with such authority. Jesus held people spellbound because God gave him the authority to teach the truth and yet Jesus also acted according to such truth. We share in the authority of the Lord to the extent that we are united to the source of this authority. When we are confirmed we receive the power to defeat evil in the world and to lead others to Jesus, the source of all truth. This authority is given to us by God. We have the authority to form others into Christian leaders. We have the authority of Jesus if only we stay united to Him. So, today we pray that we may remain to the Lord, the source of the power and the authority we have received.

Lord Jesus, your word is power and life. May I never doubt your saving love and mercy, and the power of your word to bring healing and deliverance to those in need. And Lord may You always give me the guidance to act according to Your truth. Amen.

Thánh Linh