SYNOPSIS:This is a melodrama about three families living in Sanyuan County in the Republic of China. Not satisfied with ruling their won roost, three housewives in the three respective families keep contending for the power to rule a bigger roost - the Sanyuan County! Through the hilarious dramas that happened to them, sycophants are criticized in a humorous and ironic way. To represent the real scene of traditional Cantonese living condition in the period of the Republic of China, the three main stage settings: "Erudition School", "Profound Martial Clud" and "Daintiness Restaurant" are strictly decorated according to historical study.
Starring: Kwong Wa, Kung Chi Yun, Amy Chan Sau Man, Liu Kai Chi...
Phim dạng : DVDRIP(.AVI)
Phim size: 445-700MB
Phim dai: 106 Tập
Long Tieng : US
Host : Megaupload