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Thread: Gởi Tặng Các Bạn

  1. #1
    a n i r t a k NEP's Avatar
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    Nov 2006
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    Default Gởi Tặng Các Bạn

    The sweet things are easy to buy, but one sweet heart is difficult to find.
    Life stops when you stop hoping.
    Hope stops when you stop believing. Love stops when you stop caring.
    Friendship stops when you stop sharing.
    To love without conditions.
    To give without reasons.
    And to take care without thankness...
    Please send this idea to all the ones you are seeing as friends.

    [Chôm trong internet ]

  2. #2
    ~~~ Lãng du ~~~ quachtinhdaica's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Là gió thôi, đi rồi đến, đến rồi lại đi

    Default Re: Gởi Tặng Các Bạn

    Quote Originally Posted by npenpe View Post
    The sweet things are easy to buy, but one sweet heart is difficult to find.
    Life stops when you stop hoping.
    Hope stops when you stop believing. Love stops when you stop caring.
    Friendship stops when you stop sharing.
    To love without conditions.
    To give without reasons.
    And to take care without thankness...
    Please send this idea to all the ones you are seeing as friends.

    [Chôm trong internet ]
    Thanks! It's meaningful to me!

    ~~~~~~Hữu duyên thiên lý

    năng tương ngộ ~~~~~~___

    ~~~~~~Vô duyên đối diện

    bất tương phùng ~~~~~~___


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