An advertisement shows a corn maze shaped like a question mark. The makers of high-fructose corn syrup want to change its name.

The Associated Press

NEW YORK — The makers of high-fructose corn syrup want to sweeten its image with a new name: corn sugar.

The Corn Refiners Association applied Tuesday to the federal government for permission to use the name on food labels. It hopes a new name will ease confusion about the sweetener, used in soft drinks, bread, cereal and other products.

Americans' consumption of corn syrup has fallen to a 20-year low on consumer concerns it is more harmful or more likely to cause obesity than ordinary sugar, perceptions for which there is little evidence.

However, some scientists have linked full-calorie soda — the vast majority of which is sweetened with high-fructose corn syrup — to obesity.

The Food and Drug Administration could take two years to decide on the name, but that's not stopping the industry from using the term in advertising.

There's a new online marketing campaign at and on television. Two new commercials try to alleviate confusion, showing people who say they now understand that "whether it's corn sugar or cane sugar, your body can't tell the difference. Sugar is sugar."

Renaming products has succeeded before. Low eurcic acid rapeseed oil became much more popular after becoming "canola oil" in 1988. Prunes tried to shed a stodgy image by becoming "dried plums" in 2000.

The new name would help people understand the sweetener, said Audrae Erickson, president of the Washington, D.C.-based group. "It has been highly disparaged and highly misunderstood," she said.

Sugar and high-fructose corn syrup are nutritionally the same, and there's no evidence the sweetener is any worse for the body than sugar, said Michael Jacobson, executive director of the Center for Science in the Public Interest. The bottom line is people should consume less of all sugars, Jacobson said.

The American Medical Association says there's not enough evidence to restrict the use of high-fructose corn syrup, although it wants more research.

Still, Americans increasingly blame high-fructose corn syrup and are avoiding it. First lady Michelle Obama has said she does not want her daughters eating it.

Parents such as Joan Leib scan ingredient labels and will not buy anything with it. The mother of two in Somerville, Mass., has been avoiding the sweetener for about a year to reduce sweeteners in her family's diet.

"I found it in things that you would never think needed it, or should have it," said Leib, 36. "I found it in jars of pickles, in English muffins and bread. Why do we need extra sweeteners?"

Many companies are responding by removing it from their products. Last month, Sara Lee switched to sugar in two of its breads. Gatorade, Snapple and Hunt's Ketchup switched to sugar in the past two years.

The average American ate 35.7 pounds of high-fructose corn syrup last year, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture. That's down 21 percent from 45.4 pounds 10 years before.

Cane and beet sugar, meanwhile, have hovered around 44 pounds per person per year since the mid-1980s, after falling rapidly in the 1970s, when high- fructose corn syrup — a cheaper alternative to sugar — gained favor with soft- drink makers.

There are five manufacturers in the U.S.: Archer Daniels Midland, Corn Products International, Cargill, Roquette America and Tate & Lyle.

Corn refiners say their new name better describes the sweetener.

"The name 'corn sugar' more accurately reflects the source of the food (corn), identifies the basic nature of the food (a sugar), and discloses the food's function (a sweetener)," the petition said.

Will shoppers swallow the new name?

The public is skeptical, so the move will be met with criticism, said Tim Calkins, a marketing professor at Northwestern University.

"This isn't all that much different from any of the negative brands trying to embrace new brand names," he said.

"They're not saying this is a healthy vitamin, or health product. They're just trying to move away from the negative associations."