Vui Học Kinh Thánh - Lễ Đức Maria Mẹ Thiên Chúa Năm B

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Reading I (Nm 6:22-27)

A Reading from the Book of Numbers

The Lord said to Moses: “Speak to Aaron and his sons and tell them: This is how you shall bless the Israelites. Say to them: The Lord bless you and keep you! The Lord let his face shine upon you, and be gracious to you! The Lord look upon you kindly and give you peace! So shall they invoke my name upon the Israelites, and I will bless them.”

The Word of the Lord

Reading II (Gal 4:4-7)

A Reading from the Letter of St. Paul to the Galatians

Brothers and sisters: When the fullness of time had come, God sent his Son, born of a woman, born under the law, to ransom those under the law, so that we might receive adoption as sons. As proof that you are sons, God sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, crying out, “Abba, Father!” So you are no longer a slave but a son, and if a son then also an heir, through God.

The Word of the Lord

Gospel (Lk 2:16-21)

The Gospel According to St. Luke

The shepherds went in haste to Bethlehem and found Mary and Joseph, and the infant lying in the manger. When they saw this, they made known the message that had been told them about this child. All who heard it were amazed by what had been told them by the shepherds. And Mary kept all these things, reflecting on them in her heart. Then the shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all they had heard and seen, just as it had been told to them.

When eight days were completed for his circumcision, he was named Jesus, the name given him by the angel before he was conceived in the womb.

The Word of the Lord


1. What did the shepherds do after they heard the good news from the angels?

a. They did not care and went to sleep.
b. They went in haste to Bethlehem to visit the infant.
c. They ran to the supermarket to buy gifts.

2. What did Mary do when she heard the shepherds had heard the message that had been told them about her child?

a. Mary was so happy and so proud of her child.
b. Mary kept all these things, reflecting on them in her heart.
c. Mary was so happy and told everyone about her happiness and joy.

3. When was the infant named Jesus?

a. Right after he was born.
b. Right after the angels appeared to the shepherds.
c. After eight days.
d. After nine days.

Bài Đọc 1 (Ds 6:22-27)

Bài Trích Sách Dân Số

Chúa phán cùng Mô-sê rằng: “Hãy nói với A-a-ron và con cái nó rằng: Các ngươi hãy chúc lành cho con cái Israel; hãy nói với chúng thế này: ‘Xin Chúa chúc lành cho con, và gìn giữ con. Xin Chúa tỏ nhan thánh Chúa cho con, và thương xót con. Xin Chúa ghé mặt lại cùng con, và ban bằng yên cho con.’ Họ sẽ kêu cầu danh Ta trên con cái Israel, và Ta sẽ chúc lành cho chúng.”

Đó là Lời Chúa

Bài Đọc 2 (Gl 4:4-7)

Bài Trích Thư Của Thánh Phao-lô Tông Đồ Gửi Tín Hữu Ga-lát

Anh em thân mến, khi đã tới lúc thời gian viên mãn, Thiên Chúa đã sai Con Ngài sinh hạ bởi người phụ nữ, sinh dưới chế độ Luật, để cứu chuộc những người ở dưới chế độ Luật, hầu cho chúng ta được nhận làm dưỡng tử. Sở dĩ vì anh em được làm con, Thiên Chúa đã sai Thần Trí của Con Ngài vào tâm hồn chúng ta, kêu lên rằng: “Abba!”, nghĩa là “Lạy Cha!” Thế nên, bạn không còn phải là tôi tớ, nhưng là con; mà nếu là con, tất bạn cũng là người thừa kế, nhờ ơn Thiên Chúa!”

Đó là Lời Chúa

Phúc Âm (Lc 2:16-21)

Tin Mừng Chúa Giêsu Theo Thánh Lu-ca

Khi ấy, các mục tử ra đi vội vã đến thành Bê-lem, và gặp thấy Ma-ri-a, Giu-se và hài nhi mới sinh nằm trong máng cỏ. Khi thấy thế, họ hiểu ngay lời đã báo về hài nhi này. Và tất cả những người nghe, đều ngạc nhiên về điều các mục tử thuật lại cho họ.

Còn Ma-ri-a thì ghi nhớ tất cả những việc đó và suy niệm trong lòng. Những mục tử trở về, họ tung hô ca ngợi Chúa về tất cả mọi điều họ đã nghe và đã xem thấy, đúng như lời đã báo cho họ.

Khi đã đủ tám ngày, lúc phải cắt bì cho con trẻ, thì người ta gọi tên Người là Giêsu, tên mà thiên thần đã gọi trước khi con trẻ được đầu thai trong lòng mẹ.

Đó là Lời Chúa

Câu Hỏi:

1. Các mục đồng đã làm gì sau khi họ nghe các Thiên Thần loan báo tin vui?

a. Họ không quan tâm và đi ngủ tiếp.
b. Họ vội vã đi tới Bê-lem kính viếng Hài Nhi
c. Họ chạy ra chợ mua quà tặng.

2. Mẹ Maria đã làm gì sau khi nghe các mục đồng thuật lại những chuyện họ nghe về Hài Nhi?

a. Mẹ Maria rất hạnh phúc và rất hãnh diện về con của bà.
b. Mẹ Maria đã ghi nhớ tất cả những việc đó và suy niệm trong lòng.
c. Mẹ Maria quá hạnh phúc và khoe với mọi người về niềm hạnh phúc của mẹ.

3. Hài Nhi được đặt tên là Giêsu khi nào?

a. Ngay sau khi Hài Nhi hạ sinh.
b. Sau tám ngày.
c. Ngay sau khi các thiên thần hiện ra với các mục đồng.
d. Sau chin ngày.

Tô Màu


“He was named Jesus.”
“Người ta gọi tên Người là Giêsu.”

Lk 2:21

Fill in the Blank

AMAzed - CHILD - Glorifying - heart - jesus - MARY

The shepherds went in haste to Bethlehem and found ______________ and Joseph, and the infant lying in the manger.
When they saw this, they made known the message that had been told them about this ______________.
All who heard it were ______________ by what had been told them by the shepherds.
And Mary kept all these things, reflecting on them in her ______________.
Then the shepherds returned, ______________ and praising God for all they had heard and seen, just as it had been told to them.
When eight days were completed for his circumcision, he was named ______________, the name given him by the angel before he was conceived in the womb.

Điền Vào Chỗ Trống

giêsu - HÀI NHI - LÒNG - Ma-ri-a - NGẠC NHIÊN - tung hô

Khi ấy, các mục tử ra đi vội vã đến thành Bê-lem, và gặp thấy ______________, Giu-se và hài nhi mới sinh nằm trong máng cỏ.
Khi thấy thế, họ hiểu ngay lời đã báo về ______________ này.
Và tất cả những người nghe, đều ______________ về điều các mục tử thuật lại cho họ.
Còn Ma-ri-a thì ghi nhớ tất cả những việc đó và suy niệm trong ______________.
Những mục tử trở về, họ ______________ ca ngợi Chúa về tất cả mọi điều họ đã nghe và đã xem thấy, đúng như lời đã báo cho họ.
Khi đã đủ tám ngày, lúc phải cắt bì cho con trẻ, thì người ta gọi tên Người là ______________, tên mà thiên thần đã gọi trước khi con trẻ được đầu thai trong lòng mẹ.


Reading I

In this reading from the Book of Numbers, the key word is “bless”. People who are “blessed” are brought into a close personal relationship with God. God watches over them in a special way, radiates love and joy on them, and favors them with peace and well being.

Today’s first reading gives us the words we can use whenever we want to pray for God’s blessing. What a beautiful thing it is to have God’s blessing and to pray for that blessing for others! Why not memorize the middle five lines of the blessing in today’s reading? Pray it with your family after a meal.

Who are the people in your life that you consider “blessed”? What qualities impress you? Who might look to you as a “blessed person”? What can you do to become more aware of the many blessings that surround you in your everyday life?

Reading II

In this reading Saint Paul tells us that we have become God’s adopted daughters and sons. Through Jesus’ Spirit, we are made God’s own children and heirs of all that God has promised. God is “Abba,” like a wonderful parent who is absolutely crazy about us. In a special way, Jesus has given us Mary to be our mother, too. Many cares for us and for all of God’s family with the same love she had for Jesus. We can turn to Mary our mother with all our needs and hopes, confident that she will never fail us.

When do you turn to Mary? Today we celebrate Mary as our mother in the family of faith. How can you help others to learn more about Mary? How will you honor Mary as the one chosen by God to bring Jesus into the world?


The shepherds found Mary and Joseph, and the baby lying in the manger. And once they saw, they understood what God’s message meant. This knowledge is another gift from God. And in the midst of all these amazing events is the quiet person of Mary. It is through her cooperation that all these blessings have come to us according to God’s plan. She does not brag, or talk, or question. Luke tells us that she treasured all these things and reflected on them in her heart. Today, after receiving the Eucharist, take a few minutes to think about the “treasures” you have been given in the gift of Jesus. Ask Mary to help you reflect on them in your heart, as she did. In this way you will keep alive the meaning of Christmas all year long.

Which qualities of Mary would you most like to develop in your life? Why? What steps will you need to take to acquire those qualities? How can we encourage devotion to Mary?

Mary, Mother of God
Jan. 1st

Remember on Christmas morning how we found our way to the stable? It may have been the stable on the mantle shelf or under the Christmas tree or in our parish church. We gazed at the baby in the manger just like the shepherds had done so long ago. Jesus was there with Mary and Joseph.

Today we begin our new year at the Eucharistic Celebration of the Holy Mass. We thank God for Mary, Jesus’ mother, who brought the Savior into the world. Because she is the mother of Jesus, God’s Son, she truly is the Mother of God. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, baby Jesus was born of Mary. Joseph was Jesus’ loving foster-father.

God chose Mary to be the mother of his Son. She was a teenager and her parents were Joachim and Anne. Mary loved God and her Jewish religion. Her neighbors thought she was an ordinary young girl just like other girls.

It was God’s work in her that made her so special, so blessed. God sent the Archangel Gabriel to Mary’s town of Nazareth. The angel told her about God’s wonderful plan - wonderful for her and for all of us. Mary wanted to please God and although she was confused she accepted the plan.

She became Jesus’ mother. Mary and her husband, Joseph, tried to raise Jesus the best way they could and with great love. Jesus spent many happy, quiet years with Mary and Joseph in Nazareth.

When Jesus was about thirty years old, he began his preaching and healing ministry. This is called his public life, which started a few years before Joseph died. Jesus could not now stay just in the little home and carpenter shop at Nazareth.

Mary often went with her friends to be near her Son. Mary attended a marriage celebration in Cana. Jesus and his disciples came too. When the wine was over, Mary asked Jesus to do something to help.

She wanted him to save the couple from being embarrassed in front of their guests. He worked the miracle and turned plain water into delicious wine. Mary loved Jesus and believed in him.

She was there when he was nailed to the cross and stayed right beneath the cross until she received his dead body into her arms.

After the resurrection, Mary waited with Jesus’ apostles for the coming of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost. The apostles loved her. They knew they needed more courage to be real followers of Jesus.

Mary prayed for them and encouraged them. She taught them how to be disciples of her Son. Mary’s feast days are special events that happen throughout the year. Today’s feast honors her as God’s Mother. She wants to be our mother, too and we can ask for her help to make us strong in faith so we can be saved.